Home Marketing 4 Tips on How to Market a New Product

4 Tips on How to Market a New Product

by Olufisayo
How to Market a New Product

Any successful business owner knows that it’s extremely important to keep your customers interested in your services, whether it be introducing new products in your store and/or business, or even improving older products for your customers on a regular basis.

Whether you have owned your own business for quite some time and you’re wondering about how you can inform your regular customers about a new product that you will be selling, or even if you’re a new business owner and you don’t know where to start in terms of marketing your products, here are some tips on promotional marketing i.e.

How you can not only market a new product but sell it as well:

1. Send out a notification on your mailing list

Mailing lists are an extremely effective marketing tool because by asking customers to sign up for your business e-mail newsletter, they will instantly get notified of any new products or even upcoming sales via e-mail.

If you already have a mailing list, send out a notification to all of the members letting them know when the new product will be available to purchase at your store, as well as any important additional information as well.

2. Place an ad

If you haven’t done so already with previous products, contact a few magazines and newspapers and see if you can place a small ad in their advertising section. Be sure to include pricing information on your new product as well as when it will go on sale and the address of your business.

3. Hand out flyers to customers

Another effective way to properly promote a new product is to let your regular customers know about it before it even goes on sale. This will not only help your customers know about the product so they can purchase it right away, but it will also improve your business’s customer service as well.

If your product isn’t going to go on the market for a few weeks or even a few months, then print off flyers with all the product and pricing information anyways, and give them to customers whenever they purchase anything at your store and/or business.

4. Use social media to your advantage

And last but certainly not least, if you don’t already have a website, or a Facebook and/or Twitter account for your business, now would be a good time to set one up.

This way you could send outposts, tweets, or even JPEGs of the flyers to all of the members who have signed up to your social media accounts and website, and they will get notified about the new product the next time they sign onto your site or account.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

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1 comment

achile February 8, 2012 - 12:20 PM

your website has effectively improved my business.thanks.

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