Home Business How to Hire the Best Millennial Talent

How to Hire the Best Millennial Talent

by Olufisayo
How to Hire the Best Millennial Talent

In the workplace, millennials often have this reputation of being a difficult bunch. However, with baby boomers slowly transitioning into retirement, millennials are now expected to compose 46% of the workforce come 2020.

More and more business owners are slowly taking in millennials into their company, and for a good reason: Their bright and adaptive characteristics truly bring a breath of fresh air into the workforce.

But while millennials are gradually contributing to many companies’ growth and success, many employers still tend to misunderstand them or simply don’t know how to appeal to them.

If you are starting to welcome the idea of having millennials on your team, here are some tips that will keep you on the right path.

How to Hire the Best Millennial Talent

Make use of technology.

Clearly, the best approach when it comes to hiring millennials is through technology. In this “plugged-in” generation, potential talents can now be seen and reached online. You can start attracting millennials by revamping your company’s website, turning it into a more interactive one rather than just keeping it as the dull informative page that it is.

Rather than leaving a number of voicemails and constantly phoning potential candidates, try leaving them a text message; you may be surprised to receive a better response rate in the process. It might even be time for you to hire a staffing agency such as Recruiterie, to help you find millennial talent.

State your purpose.

Millennials are simply purpose-driven people, which is why a purpose-driven company seems to attract them more. One of the most common mistakes that businesses make is not clearly identifying what their company is all about.

Even their workers do not have any clue what their company’s mission is. Stating your purpose right off the bat is bound to attract the right people into your business, and as passionate as millennials are, they can easily feel a sense of fulfillment when they start working for your company.

Make room for flexibility.

The conventional 9-5 setup may not work for most millennials anymore. It turns out that having flexible hours and more telecommuting options available make them more productive. With this in mind, consider these options when hiring millennials.

If a major work schedule overhaul is simply not on your priority list at the moment, you can always gradually integrate it into the system, whether it be through allowing employees one day per week to work at home or switching from a five 8-hour workday to a four 10-hour workday per week.

Revisit your background screening methods.

As an employer, you may experience some challenges when it comes to accepting millennials on board.

Since this generation is just starting out in their particular industries, it might be more difficult to perform background screening on oncoming applicants. One pressing concern also includes their acceptance of marijuana use, which is more common in millennials than in any other generation.

Depending on your company’s policy and according to your state laws, your company may have to consider implementing a pre-employment marijuana drug test for potential applicants or an annual random THC test for current employees for awareness and safety precautions.

By following the right steps and advice, companies can greatly benefit from the emergence of millennial workers. It turns out that millennials have great potential up their sleeves; it’s only up to you as business owner to learn how to utilize them.

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