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Increasing Productivity in the Workplace

by Olufisayo
Increasing Productivity in the Workplace

As a business owner, you’ll understand that the most crucial part of your company is your staff. Every business has goals, and without a productive workforce, you can’t expect to achieve them.

Research shows that 61% of global employers and employees agree that an improved level of productivity helps to increase company profits. But how can you, the employer, make sure that your staff are as productive as possible? How do you improve the current level of productivity in your business?

Read on for our top tips on how to make sure your employees are as happy and productive as they can be.

Increasing Productivity in the Workplace

Efficient working

Someone once said that the most dangerous phrase in business is ‘that’s how we’ve always done it’. If you want to make sure that your staff is working in the best way possible, you should audit your current working operations. Are your employees using their time in the most efficient way? When they are working, are your staff fully focused on task?

You should analyse the way your employees are working, how they’re prioritising tasks and how they are planning their day. Consider providing a workshop on how to plan and order responsibilities to ensure the most important things are completed first, and give tips on list making, which is a useful way to stay organised.

Daily Habits

If working for extended periods of time, your employees can have trouble concentrating and become easily distracted, which can result in a failure to meet deadlines or targets. It’s important that during working hours, staff are fully dedicated to their job role, however some people work their best outside of traditional business hours.

To combat this, you could consider offering flexitime to employees who would benefit from it. This would help to ensure your employees are working at their most efficient times of the day. You could also encourage your staff to take breaks when it suits them, as regular short periods away from a desk can have a positive effect on the levels of productivity in your office.

Delegation is crucial

We understand that as a business owner, you’ll want complete control over your company. If an important opportunity arises, you may want to handle it yourself to ensure you get the result that you want. However, this way of working can be very detrimental not just to your business, but to your employees’ wellbeing, so you should empower your employees to make these decisions.

Delegate responsibilities to qualified employees you trust to get the job done, and feel confident that the task will be completed to your satisfaction. You should also provide the chance for more junior employees to undertake courses or shadow senior members of the team to improve their knowledge and experience. Gaining a new skill will make a junior member of the team a bigger asset to your company.

Eliminate distractions

There is a thin line between keeping your staff moral up and turning work into a social event. While it wouldn’t be practical to issue a company wide mobile phone ban, you should encourage your staff to turn off their devices during working hours, but let them access the internet and their phones while on their breaks. This will allow for total concentration on their work, while still giving them the freedom to socialise and create friendships – something that’s equally as important to productivity.

You should also think about non-work related websites. Again, you shouldn’t feel the need to install software to block non-work related internet sites, but rather build up trust with your employees so you feel confident that things like Facebook and Twitter will be reserved for lunch times.

Install proper tools and equipment

Imagine if you booked a plumber for your house, yet when he arrives he had no tools, making it extremely difficult for him to carry out his job. This is what it’s like if your staff don’t have the equipment to complete their tasks. Although top of the range software or computers can seem like a big investment initially, the rewards will be seen through the standard of the work completed.

Make sure that things such as phones, computers and printers are all in good working order to help your business meet its goals. If you’re looking to save time and money in the long run, you could consider an all-in-one type of product, such as the multifunction laser printer, which doubles up as a printer, scanner, copier and fax machine, can increase your efficiency levels and free up some precious space in your office.

Improve workplace conditions

Another important factor in keeping your employees happy is the condition of your workplace. You should ensure that there is plenty of natural light in the room, and consider introducing plants as this has been proven to improve mood.

You should also make sure the temperature is correct in the office. If it becomes too hot or too cold, employees can get easily distracted. The best temperature is between 20 and 21 degrees, and it’s best to ensure your office has good ventilation in the summer, and appropriate heating during the winter.

Support your staff

A crucial element to staff retention is support. If your employees feel like they’re supported in their role, they’ll be more inclined to remain at your company. Setting realistic goals can help your staff to feel more personally productive, and give them an incentive to work towards a target.

If each member of your workforce feels like they’re a valued member of your team, there’s a good chance they’ll enjoy being a part of your company.

Positivity is crucial

This might seem like an obvious tip, but with everything you have to deal with as an employer, rewarding your staff can sometimes slip the mind. Make sure that you encourage, motivate and reward your employees and provide constructive criticism to ensure everyone is always improving.

You could even consider incentive schemes, such as a bonus scheme, for above and beyond job completion. Or if you are looking for non-financial incentives, an ‘employee of the month’ scheme is a great choice.

These are just a few ways you can look to increase the productivity in your business. If you’re looking to make sure your employees are working to the best of their ability, try out a few of these tips and see how they work for you!

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