Home Business Unique Ways to Keep Your Location Secret While You Conduct Private Businesses Online

Unique Ways to Keep Your Location Secret While You Conduct Private Businesses Online

by Olufisayo
Keep Your Location Secret

Many online entrepreneurs and freelancers are restricted from visiting many sites on account of their current location. Many internet users from third world countries are restricted from visiting many websites in the United States. In fact, millions of online freelancers and netpreneurs risk hunger and loss of business because their unique IP address gives them away.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can always keep your location secret by effectively masking or hiding your internet address.

Hiding your IP enables you to visit restricted sites as if you are located in approved locations. It also provides you with layers of additional online security since your location will not be traceable or trackable – you browse anonymously. This benefit of accessing any restricted websites in the world enables you to do online businesses and tap into foreign markets with absolute confidence. If you are a freelancer, you will be able to obtain gigs otherwise restricted to local residents with glee.

Keep Your Location Secret

While it is strongly advised that you mustn’t mask your IP address in order to engage in fraudulent or criminal/terrorist activities, many online criminals are able to go scot-free by hiding their physical locations on the internet. To this extent, hiding your IP enables you to –

  • Hide your physical address and geographical location
  • Makes your internet activities anonymous and untrackable
  • Helps you circumvent content filters, bans and blacklisting
  • Makes you virtually invisible to the internet police
  • Enables you to access all content and acquire all online opportunities

Keeping your location effectively secret on the world wide web can be achieved in four major ways. These are examined below:

1. Using a dedicated VPN service

Using a dedicated VPN service requires subscription with a reputable VPN service provider. There are hundreds of VPN providers online but not all of them are recommendable or proven to provide the best online anonymity.

The best VPN providers will enable you to choose any desired city and country where you want seen as located; offer high speed bandwidth; give secured internet connection; enable complete access to blocked sites; and offer scalable usability to users.

To this extent, we are only able to recommend the following VPN providers because they excel in all these areas and enjoy enviable customer ratings:

  • NordVPN
  • CyberGhost
  • SaferVPN
  • StrongVPN
  • ExpressVPN

2. Using the Tor browser

A Tor browser is just like any other internet browser – Mozilla Firefox, Explorer, Chrome and Safari. But it can be used to browse the internet anonymously. It can be downloaded onto your computer system for free and using it to access the internet enables you to conceal your IP address effectively.

Tor browser comes with the latest encryption security that offers you privacy protection. You can claim to be resident and operative from any desired country in the world while using Tor.

3. Using a proxy server

Just as the name sounds, proxy server can be used to browse restricted sites anonymously but it is not too secured since the proxy may be compromised, further compromising the anonymous user. It can be used reroute your existing browser so that it circumvents the server used by your company. The problem with this is that it is illegal and often slows down your internet connection.

4. Using public Wi-Fi connections

Public Wi-Fi is free and easy to use. You only log into the Wi-Fi connection of a school, library, hotel, coffee shop, or any public facility to access the internet for free. For as long as you are logged into the Wi-Fi connected of your host, you will become invisible as an individual but the IP address of your host will be visible online.

But when you log out and leave the radius of the network’s connection, you won’t be able to access free Wi-Fi anymore and you will become visible online when you access the internet using your own internet protocol.

Your best option to keep your location secret on the internet is to use dedicated VPN services, since other options are less reliable and secured.

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1 comment

Gilliam May 10, 2018 - 9:03 AM

I can say one thing Geo-restriction sucks! But thankfully there are ways to bypass them. For someone like me who travels a lot, VPN is a necessity. Nordvpn is a choice of mine for its many useful features and low price, but I’m not here to review Nord u can look it up your self

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