Home Marketing YouTube Marketing 101

YouTube Marketing 101

by Olufisayo
YouTube Marketing

Consider YouTube Ads

YouTube ads work in a number of ways. The options available depend on your budget and how you want the media you create to appear. Even for YouTube partners with active and successful channels of there own, a short engaging video ad produces amazing results. The basic options before you include In-Stream, In-Stream, In-Display and In-Slate displays.

Considering these first enables you to create media that fits best with the display type you opt in for.

YouTube Marketing


Targeting is important in all aspects of digital marketing. Targeting is a marketer’s skill that takes into account how filtering sales work. For every audience group you have and deal with, only a percentage of them are interested enough to buy. Not all of them want to get involved. Here’s a perfect example. Out of the world population, only a limited number of us are into 60’s cars.

Since not everyone is, it makes no sense to expect that all people would buy in the world market. With targeting, a professional marketer will instead find an entire population of 60’s cars enthusiasts and then work from there. Once a population like that is targeted, then you’re in the game as an online business. This same approach must be taken for advertising on YouTube.

Narrowing populations down to the most relevant people is what targeting is about. It’s what you need to do first in order to best optimize the work you do. As it stands now, YouTube is the second largest search tool used online and next to none other than Google. Approaching marketing with YouTube and not considering a target leads to tremendous inefficiency.

In order to make the most out of your work, you have narrow down who your market is and how they behave. On the YouTube platform, this type of work best starts by engaging with the community you’ll ultimately pitch a product or service to. By joining these online community, you get an objective view of what a target audience is thinking and in need of.

There is no substitute to this type of work.

The Power Of Video Content

Video shouldn’t be taken lightly as you prepare for exposure. The emergence of video is leading the way as the highest converting medium online today. But don’t be fooled, the videos that do well are ads that also have amazing artistry, strategy and copywriting. Just having access to film doesn’t mean you have enough to actually turn a penny from ads. This here takes work.

The next step you take forces you to account for quality. Quality often comes from strategy more so than fancy designs and huge budgets. Having strategy allows you to generate the right creativity to peak your potential targets and to use the resources you have to their full extent.

The power of video not only shows up on TubeYou, but marketers are using the medium everywhere they can. This includes more in-depth sales funnels that offer free education in the form of a video sales letter[VSL] or a high converting webinar. The interaction with visual media continually proves itself the best at peaking interest and getting an audience fully engaged.

TrueView From AdWords and Options For Your Performance

The AdWords component of advertising on YouTube is possible through TrueView. This program for YouTube ads ensures that you only spend money when your ads are actually viewed. You have to understand these steps as to optimize your strategy when using YouTube to promote your brand.

The other trigger for charging your ad account is when a set amount of your ad has been fully viewed.

The official forms of video advertisement are In-Slate, In-Search, In-Stream and In-Display for YouTube. The In-Stream option of streaming shows before viewers get a chance to see a posted video. Though five seconds must pass before users can choose to not see the ad, the ad must run for a total of 30 seconds before you’re charged for it.

The In-Stale option is optimal for ads that run 10 minutes or longer. These ads get charged to your account only when people have viewed it. As for the In-Search option, these only come up during the search result process on YouTube. As the second largest search engine, YouTube consists of users searching for data.

The data results that appear after their inquiry is where your ads for In-Search are. You then have the In-Display ads that show up beside this site’s content when it appears on another website. As with other options through TrueView, these ads are only charged to you once they’re viewed.

A Personal Accounts Lets You Air Free Ads

If you’re looking for a better strategic advantage in running advertisements on YouTube, then it’s best to consider operating as a normal channel. The first thing you get is an opportunity to hold an account that allows unlimited videos to be posted. You just need to approach your account as if it’s a free platform to advertise with. That’s the first part and where you should start.

Other options you have include the engagement you can have with a specific community. YouTube is optimized to be as user friendly as possible. That means that having an account gives you access to the entire website and its billions of users. And that access lets you activate typical ads or use your channel as a marketing tool.

Doing the latter lets you be a part of an online niche you’re in and without force. This is an great position to be in that allows you to get data about the market you serve. The more involved you are, the more you know the niche you’re in. That understanding is never perfected, so getting as much data as is possible is key. You do that by setting up a channel and producing content.

Utilize this as the cheapest means to advertise, market and promote your brand on YouTube

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