Home Business Ultimate Tools to Help With Business Productivity

Ultimate Tools to Help With Business Productivity

by Olufisayo
Business Productivity

It is easy to put in long hours of work, only to achieve little. There are a lot of distractions at work plus work problems that slow down productivity in a company.

Luckily, there are a lot of tools that have been developed for business owners to help save their time, energy and solve most of these issues. Here are the best and impactful tools that will help grow your business.

1.    Czur ET 16 Book Scanner

Scanning your books is now fast, fun and high-tech; you can scan a 300-page book under 7 minutes with the Czur ET 16.

Czur is a smart scanner equipped with a Sony HD camera and 32-bit MIPS CPU, which can scan books using the CMOS scanning technology and connect to office Wi-Fi for cloud storage.

It has incredible OCR technology, which can recognize up to 34 languages with high accuracy. Using its advanced algorithms, Czur can flatten curved pages and split them automatically so you don’t have to rip pages out.

2.    The NVR Camera System

It’s a professional-grade camera system for your office security and supervision. Its network video recorder (NVR) has a built-in wireless router and is equipped with two Wi-Fi receivers to receive each camera’s Wi-Fi signal.

Its camera antennae have strong signals to cover a distance of up to 1000 feet. The setup is straightforward because the cameras will work automatically once they are connected to a power outlet.

The cameras are suitable for both indoor and outdoor installation for all-around coverage. The NVR system can be configured into your smartphone for remote access.

3.    Teramind’s Employee Monitoring Software

Manage your employees with Teramind. As a business owner, you have a busy routine; from meeting project deadlines to planning the annual family vacation. Teramind will keep everything running smoothly.

With this program, you can organize all your projects and employees from anywhere. It’s also the best for productivity management. For more information about Teramind and other employee monitoring softwares, read here.

4.    Zapier

We all use web applications to get work done. If you don’t want to spend a lot of your time moving information from one app to another manually, use zapier to manage all your social business accounts for marketing and other tasks.

With more than 1000 apps integrated with zapier, it does the work for you. The apps communicate to each other through personalized integration called zaps.

Each zap tells your apps how and when they should pass data back and forth.

For instance, if you create a form to collect customer feedback or leads, you can set up a zap to automatically copy new submissions to a Google spreadsheet.

You can as well make a zap that sends email or chart notifications to your team automatically.

5.    To-doist

No productivity system is complete without writing down the tasks you need to complete during the coming days or weeks.

Some business owners are happy using whiteboards or paper systems, but if you want to use apps, my top pick is to-doist.

With its analytical visualization, all your tasks are organized in one place and synchronized across all your devices. It’s easy to review the day or week ahead.

Its Siri integrations allow you to create different projects and quickly add details using your natural language.

You can also add a priority level to know what’s essential and what can wait so that you never miss a deadline again. You can even share projects and delegate tasks to multiple people or a co-worker.

6.    A Calendar

It is the most basic productivity tool. Whether you’re using your outlook, Google calendar, or a physical calendar, it is essential to have one.

It’s the best tool to manage your activities, time, and personal commitments. A calendar will help you decide whether you have been using your time effectively or you should make changes.

7.    RescueTime

Take control of your time with rescue time. When installed on your computer, this program works from the background, quietly tracking how much time you’re spending on specific apps or websites.

RescueTime will track and categorize the time that you spend as either productive or unproductive.

You can tell the time that you have been working and the time that you have been browsing the internet or social media.

Final words

The ever-changing world has been a culprit of some unsuccessful businesses. Having said that, businesses should go with the constant change. Thus, have the right technology. The tools above will definitely help in improving productivity and will help you cope with modern business needs.

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