Home Business How to Align Your Office Design with Your Brand

How to Align Your Office Design with Your Brand

by Olufisayo
How to Align Your Office Design with Your Brand

When you walk into a home for the first time, it is impossible not to get a sense of its occupants. Take a look around and you’ll be able to tell if they’re organised, energetic, artistic, or traditional. The choice of colours will indicate whether they are a fast moving person or somebody who likes to take it slow. The layout will let you in on all kinds of secrets about how they think and where their priorities lie.

This is no different when it comes to businesses. Corporate workspaces have just as much to reveal and, if you can learn how to influence what they say, you can use them to your advantage. The value of commercial interior design should not be underestimated because it can help companies align their practical environment with their brand narrative. Once your business has a cohesive story, you can use it to capture the attention of consumers.

This guide to the key principles of commercial architecture and design will help you get started.

How to Align Your Office Design with Your Brand

Be Unique

Throughout the life of a brand, there is a constant focus on distinction. Even if you sell a similar product to market rivals, you have to convince consumers that yours offers something new. If you don’t harness the power of your brand, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to stand out from the crowd. So, think carefully about what you represent.

Do you want to be dynamic and fast paced or easy going, with a strong connection to nature and green technologies? Do you want to encourage collaboration and flexible working models or would you rather be known as a high-flying company where the rules are simple but effective? The choice of colour, materials, and furniture can help you create the right mood.

Tell Your Story

A great commercial design doesn’t stop at the visual. It stimulates feelings and emotions. It supports the kind of behaviours which are good for your business. If you want an intimate, personal work environment, embrace open plan designs and bring employees together with team games and weekly events. Or, you might want to shout about your level of cultural diversity and involvement in different countries.

You could go global and start sharing stories from customers and employees around the world. This is your brand narrative and customers want to hear about it, so don’t be shy when it comes to letting people in. The aim should be to create a workplace design which is so distinctive that it becomes synonymous with your brand, like Google and its multicolour offices complete with wacky slides and play rooms.

Make Them Proud

Don’t forget that providing an aesthetically pleasing, super comfortable, and highly efficient workplace is the best way to motivate employees. They want to come to the office and feel like they have everything they need to produce great results. This includes the freedom to pick a working style which maximises their strengths, rather than being chained to a private desk.

While not all workplaces will benefit from the trend for totally open plan environments, the point is that there is no right or wrong way to operate. If it works for you, it is worth refining and enhancing, whether the idea is a casual dress code, tech integrated furniture, living walls, and indoor water features, or games rooms so that employees can relax during their downtime.

How to Say a Lot with Office Architecture and Design

The good news is that there are plenty of commercial design experts out there who can help you realise your full potential. Seeking advice from an outside service is a good idea for most businesses because it guarantees success. There is no trial and error with high-quality corporate architecture. You get the opportunity to work closely with a design team and turn your brand narrative into an impactful working environment.

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[…] to take your neighbours on as new clients, so it is important to make sure that your business will fit in with the tone of the other businesses in the […]

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