Home Entrepreneurship Travel, sources of inspiration for entrepreneurs

Travel, sources of inspiration for entrepreneurs

by Olufisayo
inspiration for entrepreneurs

The entrepreneurial adventure represents a risky journey but also a discovery. It comes down to training you to understand the unknown and to find yourself in unforeseen situations that force you to use all your resources to face difficulties but also to learn the mechanics of diplomacy to get away from bureaucratic misunderstandings.

Travel inspires entrepreneurs!

The entrepreneurial adventure, like travel, must be guided by an essential quality: curiosity. How many reviews for travelers who visit countries without looking for the treasures they contain and whose only purpose is to bring photos and who wish to find themselves in the same conditions as in their countries.

They complain about what they miss and have a hurry it is to return home. To travel is to face the hazards, to leave one’s comfort zone, to seek solutions to the unknown.

The one who starts with the idea of ​​discovering different customs, eating habits opposite to his own, find an inspiration: ah if I put into practice what I just saw!

inspiration for entrepreneurs

The trips that made business possible

We discover that each country has its culinary treasures: the English and their tea, the French and their bread and cakes, the Italians and their pizza, the Japanese and their raw fish … and we discover that these eating habits are inserted as new habits in many countries and of course they did not come alone but thanks to travelers  who saw the interest of developing them in their countries, entrepreneurs who had the idea to do business.

The same is true of all the objects that have invaded our daily lives: fridge, computer … The international shows attract visitors from around the world in search of new ideas to implement in their country and their investment is to discover original ideas that will open new markets.

The journey is above all an adventure!

Travel also teaches us to face other rhythms such as slowness, speed, bureaucracy: nothing more formative than taking a train in India, a bus to Michu Picchu to suggest ideas.

Mainly Entrepreneurs needs an wifi router in traveling, whether responding to emails, using Skype to call his clients, upload a photo on Facebook, make a reservation or even find accommodation on Couchsurfing , internet travel has become a necessity!

What is at our fingertips in our country could become in another country like scooters in Vietnam or hats, a real necessity in some countries. But also, the trip is to test to improve its products and bring them novelties.

Travels bring meetings

The interest also lies in creating links and interacting with people who reason differently. Between the West and the East, the way of thinking sometimes opposes us as the attention to detail with the Japanese and our Cartesian mind. But it is from the crossroads of our different visions that we can come up with original ideas.

The tolerance on the hourly amplitude obliges the traveler to develop an ability to adapt. He develops the much needed patience as an entrepreneur when we wait for a response from the bank or a customer.

Travel allows us to develop skills and human abilities that will allow us to better select our employees through the open mindedness, to build teams from different paths that will become the wealth of the company.

Travels develop the ability to organize

The traveler must learn to organize himself and not to forget any detail  that could lead him into a dead end: the passport, the vaccines, reading the signs in an unknown language and learning to move without a guardrail.

In short, travel remains an inexhaustible source of inspiration for an entrepreneur.


Email – sundarasamykdm@gmail.com

Sundar working in mippin.com, as a manager. He is a writer for more than a year. Also working as freelancer content writer for Technology products. More than a profession, he helps his clients to grow their business by helping them how to advertise and market.

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