Home Marketing The Importance of Professional Web Designing

The Importance of Professional Web Designing

by Olufisayo
The Importance of Professional Web Designing

A couple of years ago, CNN issued a public statement that it was all set to invest a whopping $15 million on a complete makeover of its web interface, in order to make it more mobile friendly. This is why expert website design services in Dubai like that offered by Nenen also specialize in creating mobile-optimized sites and offer mobile application development. With the modern generation spending most of their time pouring over their smartphones and tablets, ensuring that your website is mobile compatible could mean the difference between business success and failure.

However, for this, it is best to hire the services of skilled and experienced web developers rather than trying to do something in-house.

Here’s why.

The Importance of Professional Web Designing

Why Do You Need Professional Web Designing?

Web designing is not about aesthetics alone. It can have a long standing impact on the future of a business. Professional designing is important because:

  1. A Great Design and Customer Trust are linked to Each Other: Research reveals that when it comes to trust building, web design actually has a bigger role to play than the actual content of the website. When internet users were asked why visitors did not find a particular web interface trustworthy, a majority blamed the design. Typically, mistrust stemmed from aspects such as complex layouts that lacked clarity, flamboyant advertisements and disruptive pop-ups, boring design and lack of vibrancy, along with longer loading times. Typically, professional designing expertise will be required to ensure the right impact.
  1. Web Designing and Other Aspects of Digital Marketing Go Hand in Hand: Web designing is closely associated with other aspects of digital marketing, including search engine optimization, content marketing, social media marketing and more. If the design is not appealing to the target audience, visitors will not spend additional time reading through the content. This is why the design should be carefully created; keeping the target demographic in mind, while also putting across the brand message effectively. Web design impacts branding, customer conversion and much more.
  1. Long Lasting Designs have to be devised for Continuity: The designing will be a part of your online presence and your brand building activity. While design trends are likely to come and go, your online image and presence would need to last much longer. Therefore, focussing on fleeting trends would be inappropriate. Similarly, completely ignoring current trends will not be advisable either. Therefore, you will need expert intervention to strike the right balance between the two.

Most importantly, web designing is deeply linked to conversion rates. Conversion largely depends on the overall user experience a website provides. The key determining factors for this include navigation, wording and choosing the right color scheme. While exceptionally complex navigation will kill the interest of visitors, inappropriate wordings in the content can end up confusing them. Similarly, there are some colors like bright red or bright green that should be used in abundance to create a “call to action” appeal.

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Iain June 2, 2018 - 10:58 AM

Professional web design is not just appealing but also means can be trusted, worth it and organized…it can attract many clients..

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