Home Business 7 Best Small Business Ideas of 2016

7 Best Small Business Ideas of 2016

by Olufisayo
2016 small business ideas

It’s always the time when someone starts up their first small business, if you’re smart and well-armed you can jump ahead to catch the big fish or go with the flow, yes if you have enough money flow and experienced to dominate the new market.

Unfortunately, there are not many excellent home-based small business or individuals can take this approaching. That’s why we’re here to take some ideas to work out to see which one we can take out best:

Small service-based business

For new small business owners, it’s important to start up something like a home base service business.

There a student who started his own digital film company from his family apartment. It ended up being a terrific company to start out with because there was minimum overhead, then he using his community of independent contractors from his social network or something to enlarge his service offers and making connections.

Use your Facebook or social networks to connect to people, building trust, making sales, and building a network from the ground.

Sell your stuff on Amazon

Are you someone who can make things like crafting, shirt, toys at home, things that unique? do it at home yourself and with your friend’s help and list them to Amazon.

Amazon is free to create a merchant account and the fee for listing good are acceptable. If what you make is something people like, kids who love it and spread over the internet, then be ready for quick expansion soon.

Selling on Amazon is sort of the fastest way to grow a company. Things like jewelry, apparel, gifts, and cosmetics are doing well if you can keep your product feedback clean.

Getting social followers

If you can write or get your image well from the largest social network like Facebook, Twitter, Google+… you can build a large number of audiences for your website.

Where to get start? you can teach people what you know like making videos or music on YouTube.

Connect to people in this business and learn how to make money to keep up your works. Write about it, something that you passionate about or knowing it most.

Making Ebooks for Kindle Store

This route requires you’re able to write and put things together. The investment is low and almost non-costing besides your delicate time working your ideas out and put them to PDF format or WORD and sell it from the Kindle store.

With the trends of smartphones and personal devices, there much more room for this business to buffer. So this is not an outdated and B- rated small business idea at all.

Online Shopping Store

Once again, this home-based business I believe idea is great for any individual who seeking another source of income by starting an online shopping store.

You can sell your own stuff that connects to your private source of goods from the outside so that you can keep the price and quality under control.

Or you can be a partnership or associate with Amazon store, they have huge inventories across wide America and European nations.

Your website is very intuitive, along with low-priced, start with the products/goods that you much well informed, or try your own first and make it your very personal experienced, people like to read someone who used/feedback before they click to purchase.

Help your friends or relative to sell goods

This is not exactly a business start-up plan at all but I test go for flowing the ideas. One can not just staying at home and know exactly what happens on the battlefields or do know how to fight.

You need to see the scenery so that your first small business plan just not something happening on paper. I’ve observed this way especially well to others, however, it also takes more than just a single shot.

Everyone has relatives or friends who have their job or business to do, there something they do not know or prepared it them-self.

Possible something you can learn from just set up a website for a friend, providing consulting on how to get more target viewers for their online stores. From there you can get more connections and ideas after some practical works.

Looking for Niche Market From Online Communities.

It’s not complicated to know or search for a group of people who have the same concern or interesting in your next target market. For example “toys for puppies”. Facebook and Twitter are places to go for.

You can narrow down to their ages, genders, graphical… link together. Make friends with them, get some little talk to introduce yourself first, and learn how to promote your goods at the right place, right time.

So these were some of the businesses you can start in 2016 but this is not the end. If you don’t like any of the small businesses on the list, you can check these huge & evergreen ideas on MoneyConnexion.

You are welcome to share any new business ideas so that we can update that in the above list.

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