Home Business Get Your Brand Out There With These 17 Ideas

Get Your Brand Out There With These 17 Ideas

by Olufisayo
Brand Ideas

You don’t have to have spent years in the marketing industry to master the art of getting your brand out there. There are a lot more resources available than you think. And yes, while social media can do a whole lot for getting your name out there, there remains a world of promotional opportunities beyond the internet – especially when presented in printed bags with your brand!

1. Local Networking Groups

Get social, and not just online, but the kind of social you used to be before you could login and “like” a product, page and brand. Offer people the opportunity to get to know the real you in person. Start becoming a regular face (completed with branded, printed bags) and industry-related networking events.

2. Get Thinking Outside the Box

Why not start joining groups and going to events a little outside your area of expertise? This will help you expand your knowledge and get ahead on the competition. You may just find an entire population of people who are interested in your services and who you’d not considered before.


3. Chat To Your Friends

Social networks are a lot bigger than you think. Don’t be scared to chat to your friends and find out if they know people you could connect with. Don’t forget to give them your printed bags with your brand on to carry around and get you noticed!

4. Sponsor Events

It’s a good idea to add the human element to your company. Try sponsoring a charity event. Just make sure you don’t lose sight of the charity and don’t turn the event into being all about your brand. You want people to remember you for the right reasons and not look at you as a shameless sales person.

5. Start Getting Published

It’s so easy these days. Reach out to all those people you network with at events or have met online. These people are bound to have established blogs or other publications. Offer to write guest posts that pertain to what they do. Avoid blatantly promoting your brand, product or service.

6. Take a Class

Being able to give a rocking presentation is an amazing skill to have. Even better, is the ability to eloquently speak to your leads and customers. When you network with clients and colleagues, you need to be able to address concerns and queries in a way that will boost your brand instead of leaving you stumbling through “umms” or “ahhs”.

This becomes even more important when dealing with media. Investing in media training services is a great idea if you want to make sure your message is always on point and confidently delivered.

7. What About a Writing Class?

You might not be as great a writer as you think. There’s always something more to learn to contribute to your social media posts and website. And people will take you more seriously if your media is well written.

8. Keep On Top of Industry Trends

Keep abreast of the hottest trends in your industry and find out how your brand can apply them. The trends must be relevant, though, to the way in which you want to expose your brand.

9. Speaking Opportunities

Once you’ve mastered the art of public speaking, join groups that cater to your industry, share networking tips and offer to host talks. Don’t forget to take along a few branded giveaways in your brands’ custom printed bags.

10. Random Giveaways

Giveaways are a brilliant way to expose potential clients to your brand. They may not have purchased your service or product simply because they’ve been unsure of its worth. Reach out to these people to see if they’d like to try your product or service on a free trial basis. But do make sure they are your target market.

11. Know and Have an Opinion

You want to get your name out there. So start responding to industry-related queries to expose your brand.

12. Find Opportunities to Be Recognised

Let’s say you want an opportunity to showcase your work. Then seek out industry influencers who host annual events for your industry, such as awards. Submit your work and start getting recognised.

13. Host Sporting Events

Why not sponsor one of the local school’s sports teams? Community involvement can really help to generate brand awareness and create ambassadors for the company to help you establish your reputation as a community-aware business. It won’t cost too much to get your brand on every team member’s softball, hockey or soccer shirts, for example. Don’t forget to offer paraphernalia such as branded water bottles, towels and other giveaways in your custom printed bags. Parents are bound to appreciate the donations and become avid supporters of your company. You could also arrange company outings to the sports events as a show of support.

14. Donating Prizes

Further your all-important community involvement by keeping an eye out for silent auctions, charity runs and galas that will need prizes from local companies. Donate a high-quality product or service to help cement partnerships with your brand and generate word-of-mouth awareness for your brand.

15. Conduct Interviews with Customers and Industry Leaders

This can also be an effective way to build solid relationships with audience and influencers. You can gain amazing insight from respected figures of your industry as well as share value with your audience.

16. Conducting Surveys and Sharing the Findings

This type of valuable research can answer a lot of your customer’s pressing questions and offer an inside look into your market. Pair the findings with your opinions and ideas to create engaging conversation.

17. Get a Podcast Going

While this can take a great deal of work to set up and maintain, it’s a wonderful way of engaging with your audience on a much deeper level as people will get to hear you speak. This means you will be positioning yourself as an industry thought leader who shares ideas, tips and resources on a consistent basis.

Final Word

Wherever you go, make sure you take custom printed bags with your brand’s logo proudly displayed. Choose great quality bags to give to people that they’re sure to carry around with them and reuse. This is excellent advertising for your brand.

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