Home General 3 Great Tips for Increasing Web Traffic

3 Great Tips for Increasing Web Traffic

by Olufisayo
Increasing Web Traffic

More web traffic means more people on your site and more sales. So, here are some great tips to grow yours.

Optimize your website for organic search

The internet has ushered in a new business model for merchants and clients and business relations are built with great convenience in an online market. Such is the magic of organic search. When you know what words and phrases your clients will use to seek out the

products and services you are offering, you will have a chance to draw new visitors.

These could be very specific terms, even the name of your products or your brand according to the team at Summon.co. But they could also be qualities that they seek such as “100% Natural,” “Free Delivery,”  “Weapons-Grade,” or whatever else sets your business apart from the rest.

Google Analytics is a very useful tool in this regard, it allows you to see what type of terms and conditions your website visitors have used to find you in the past. These terms may help new clients to find you in the future. You can also reconnoitre the activities of your competitors. Competitors’ websites, home pages, and email marketing can reveal much about how to connect with a client.

The keywords you choose to use should be the most common words that any reasonable person would use if looking for your products or services. Place yourself in your client’s frame of mind and ask yourself what they would say if looking for you. What words would they use to describe your business, products, or services? These words should be used at key locations throughout your website.

Google Search Tool is another free tool. Here you can see how many times your website was featured in search results, which ranking, and what terms were used. This can provide insights into which terms drive the most traffic, and which visitors click on your site to see what you have to offer.

These simple points and tools can provide you with a leg up on the competition when making a splash in the digital market.

Make your website findable — Make sure that your services or products are presented with engaging descriptions of offers and benefits. This will make it easier for the search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo!, to provide them to your potential clients. You can also create a cunning SEO title for your website. This will be included in your website construction and provides clients with another way of locating you.

Leverage website content — articles, blog posts, testimonials, and other content can improve your standings in the Search Results and increase traffic to your website.

Optimize your visuals — search engines are better at interpreting text words than images, visual elements of your website should be optimized for viewing on mobile devices to enjoy a better ranking from the Google Search Engines. Make sure each image and video has proper alt text to describe the picture.

Greet visitors with a targeted landing page

Getting the potential client to click on your website is half the battle, the second half involves doing something with their attention once you have captured it. The right landing page will engage them with your brand of goods and services. These pages should be crafted for the client you are hoping to attract and use audience data to create special content you know your audience will appreciate. This could be special promotions, updates, readings, and other features for products they might be interested in.

You can create a more personalized marketing plan for each of your clients by creating a tag for each of your contacts. A tag is a special label for each contact that allows content served to contacts to be selected according to data collected on them. This ensures they only see relative content.

If you have a landing page featuring a signup form, the tag can be created right there. Now everyone that joins your audience is tagged and future email outreach can be suited for their specific needs. Tags can help you send targeted emails.

Promote your site with digital ads

You have already seen banner ads in use extensively online. Banner ads grace the columns of many major websites today and offer everything from vacations in South East Asia to sunglasses and more. These ads are designed to drive traffic to specific websites or landing pages. Maybe you have never clicked on one of these yourself, but they are especially useful because they can be placed on websites, blogs, or landing pages and attract a specific type of audience.

These ads can be selected to target a specific gender, age group, or education level, the data you have collected on your visitors can help you build and manage ads for those looking for products and services you offer.

Photo by David Guenther on Unsplash

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