Home Entrepreneurship 3 Secrets to a Successful Sales Pitch

3 Secrets to a Successful Sales Pitch

by Olufisayo
sales Pitch

There is an art to selling products and services, so if you’re looking to hone your skills in this area, it pays off to read up on best practice. To get you started, here are three of the secrets to a successful sales pitch.

1) The message must be tailored to the individual consumer

Rehearsing a monologue to deliver to people is a recipe for disaster when you’re trying to attract new customers. The fact is, people tend to be put off by impersonal, salesy interactions. Instead, they want individual messages that are tailored to their specific needs and desires. This is why if you’re to succeed in sales, you will need to engage in genuine discussions with consumers, asking them questions and providing them with open, informative responses.

This approach is perhaps best summed up by the Human Commercial™ concept developed by face-to-face marketing specialists Appco. In short, this is about respecting customers and making sure they feel engaged in and positive about the products or services being offered.

sales Pitch

2) It should be packed with useful and accurate information

The message you deliver must also be packed full of useful and accurate information. People usually see straight through vacuous or misleading sales speak – and this can put them off not only the product or service being offered, but the brand as a whole. So, before you approach potential customers, it’s vital that you know your product or service inside out. You should be able to provide detailed information and respond to questions quickly, confidently and most importantly truthfully. Any hesitation or uncertainty is likely to turn people off. After all, prospective customers want to know they are receiving accurate information from someone who knows exactly what they are talking about.

3) The delivery has to be upbeat and engaging

Meanwhile, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it that matters. The tone of your voice and your body language will have a big impact on how prospective customers perceive you. To achieve the best results, you’ll need to make sure your delivery is upbeat and engaging. Bear in mind that to succeed in this, you must be able to sustain an impressive level of positivity throughout all of your meetings.

As long as you follow tips like these when you’re selling your products or services, you stand a good chance of winning over new customers and hitting your targets.

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1 comment

Core Business Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have October 14, 2016 - 9:26 PM

[…] marketing is what brings attention to your brand, possessing the ability to make a good sales pitch is ultimately what converts your visitors to customers.  You must learn how to convey a message […]

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