Home Business 5 Free Courses from Mindvalley University

5 Free Courses from Mindvalley University

by Olufisayo
5 Free Courses from Mindvalley University

Mindvalley University has been known to transform the way education is offered in conventional education systems. Instead of focusing on specific, outlined lines of study, Mindvalley designs its curriculum to release your full potential. The school is global with more than 3 million users. Students are connected to top world trainers in the area of optimal human performance. Some of the trainers include Lisa Nichols, Vishen Lakhiani (founder), Marie Diamond, Jon Missy Butcher, and others.

They often run free Mindvalley mastermind courses to help beginners get started on the world of optimal human performance. These classes also involve thorough trainings by world class trainers. Your part is to make time to attend the online class and the rest will be taken care of.

Interested? Here is a list of free courses at Mindvalley University you can take advantage of.

  1. How to Develop a Super Memory with Jim Kwik

This one runs from 2nd – 8th November, 2018. Jim Kwik will guide you tips on how to have a super memory. He will show you how to memorize important information without ever writing it down. Jim Kwik had a troubled childhood as a result of an accident that affected his brain. He fought through the predicament that was in fact a disguised blessing. His story will speak straight to your inner soul, mind and body.

  1. The Path Towards Self Awakening by Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch is the author of the best-selling book, “Conversations with God”. The book was released 19 years ago but people can’t stop talking about it. Now he runs a free seminar that seeks to educate people about religion and having a good relationship with God. The 75-minute seminar will awaken your need for spiritual growth and evolution. It is available any time of the day so hurry and grab this pot of wisdom before it ceases to exist.

  1. How to Instantly Apply Feng Shui in Your Life by Marie Donald

This masterclass focuses on your personal growth using the Feng Shui technique. It addresses critical areas of our lives like the benefits of decluttering and the significance of desk arrangement, having family pictures on our desks and obsession with plants on our productivity. You think you have mastered these things until you listen to Marie break them down for you.

  1. How to Bend Reality and Accelerate Movement Towards Your Greatest Vision by Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani is the founder of Mindvalley. He just has a way of connecting with his listeners and bringing out greatness in them. In this masterclass he helps you understand how to twist reality and achieve anything in life. A few minutes into the class and you will begin to see life from a different angle. It is also available for you at your local time.

  1. How to Reject The Rules of Society and Design Your Unique Vision of Success by Jon Butcher

Jon Butcher (Lifebook founder) teaches important life lessons in this masterclass. He will train you on how to unlock your legendary life using 12 tips he has discovered as a life enthusiast. His track record will amaze you long before he delivers the wisdom nuggets that will steer your life in the right direction.

These free courses may be available for a limited time. Better act fast and write a different story on your lifebook.

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