Home Business 5 Reasons to Use Retractable Banner Stands at Trade Shows

5 Reasons to Use Retractable Banner Stands at Trade Shows

by Olufisayo
Reasons to Use Retractable Banner Stands at Trade Shows

Studies have revealed that most people remember 80% of what they see but just 20% of what they read. And, the average attendee at a trade show looks at banner ads for just an average of six seconds. Of course, a trade show is a great opportunity for creating brand awareness.

The key is to design horizontal & vertical banner display stands that are the most impactful in design, says an expert at New York Banners, a leading provider of retractable banner stands in New York.

Here are some of the key reasons why you should consider retractable banner stands for your next trade show.

1.     Easy-to-use and assemble

Grabbing the attention of the attendees at a trade show can be a very challenging task, given the large number of companies exhibiting their offerings.

You need to be able to stand out from the crowd, while ensuring that the team at the event remain fresh and alert. However, if you have displays that are complex to assemble and install, the team will already be exhausted even before the first visitor walks in.

This is where adjustable banner stands are great options for both outdoor and indoor events. You can set them up in seconds by simply pulling out the banner from its base, attaching the supporting pole and boom, your banner is ready to capture the attention of every passer-by.

2.     Easily Portable

Retractable banner stands are lightweight and compact. They can be easily dismantled and stored for transportation. The stands are usually made of aluminium, which gives them their light weight. This is why such banner displays are easy to transport in almost any kind of vehicle, easing the entire process of attending trade shows and other events.

3.     Flexible and Customizable

One of the most important benefits is the flexibility that such displays offer. You can customize the size, shape, height, colors, graphics, text, in fact every single element of the banners. And once created, you can use them for multiple events for a long time to come because they are also durable.

4.     Durable

When you are done with one event, you simply need to roll up the banner into the aluminum base and its remains protected in its padded case. You don’t need to worry about any harm or physical damage that might be caused during transportation, once the banner has been stored correctly.

The material used for such banners is usually vinyl, which is water and weather resistant. So, if the message and design are right, you can use the same banner stand over and over again.

5.     Affordable

Retractable banner stands are one of the most cost-effective solutions for marketing. A one-time investment gives you an advertising medium for multiple situations and locations. And, given that you can use them as and when you need to, it also makes life easier, since you don’t need to think of designing new displays each time.

Banner stands come in various options, such as vertical & horizontal banner stands, X-stands and table-top stands. Get creative and choose the most unique ways to stand apart from the competition. Remember to hire an experienced banner printing company to assist you the next time you want to participate in a trade show.

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