Home General 5 Tips To Find The Right Estate Agent To Sell Your Property

5 Tips To Find The Right Estate Agent To Sell Your Property

by Olufisayo
real estate agent

We all know that buying or selling a property is a daunting task, but thankfully we have real estate agents to do that. However, not every real estate agent is the same. You’ll find hundreds of estate agents in Harrow and thousands of real estate agents in London, but in order to sell your property, you need to find the ‘right’ estate agent.

The right estate agent isn’t one who has a lot of degrees or the one that has the maximum years of experience, the right estate agent is the one that is suitable for you and your property! To ensure just that, here are the 5 tips that you need to keep in mind while looking for the right estate agent.

1 Do your research

Ask your neighbours, friends, and family for referrals. Ask people who have recently sold their house for the name and number of their real estate agent, as well as their experience with the agent.

Speak to people at work who might have recently sold their house or bought a new house and find out who they hired as their estate agent. Then, go online and do some research of your own.

Check out all the real estate agents in your area and see which one has experience in selling the type of property that you want to sell. Basically, you want to find a real estate agent who has worked with people you might know, and more importantly, an estate agent who has delivered to the client.

2 Make a well-informed decision

Just because a friend or a relative recommended an estate agent who might give you a good deal doesn’t mean you should choose that agent. You need to do your research to see who you think will be the best estate agent for you. You need to look at profiles of estate agents online, read reviews and client feedback, schedule interviews with estate agents that you have shortlisted and then meet them in person to actually make your decision.

Also, you should speak to their former clients or clients these estate agents are currently working with to get a better understanding of whether or not this agent is the right choice for you. Or you can always consider to buy a house without an agent.

3 Ask lots of questions

After you have met a few potential candidates, you will probably like one more than the other. However, you should have an in-depth interview with all your shortlisted candidates and ask lots of questions.

How many years of experience does he or she have? What was the last house the agent sold and how much was it sold for? What type of marketing techniques will he or she use to sell the house? Will the estate agent accompany potential buyers when they come to see the house?

Basically, ask the estate agent any questions that you might have. The answers will tell you whether this person will be fully vested in selling your property, or not.

4 Find someone who knows the area

You want your real estate agent to be well versed with the local real estate market. That way, he or she will know how much is a good asking price. Also, your estate agent will know what features of your property stand out in that area, which can be used as the selling points.

Someone who knows the area well also knows the local laws, rules and regulations, which is very important when it comes to property paperwork. If you find a real estate agent who has no knowledge of your area, he or she isn’t going to be of much help. Just ask your estate agent how many houses they have sold in your target market – a good number of listings in your area is what you want!

5 Communication is key

In order for your property to sell and for the real estate agent to get the commission, you both need to work as a team. For that, you and your real estate agent need to be able to communicate well with each other.

Obviously, your estate agent is not a mind reader so you need to be very specific about what you have in mind. But, for a smooth partnership, you and the agent should be able to have open and honest communication.

If the asking price is too much, the estate agent needs to tell you that. If you don’t like the marketing strategy the agent is using, you need to be honest about that. Open communication is essential for you to find the right real estate agent.

At the end of the day, just listen to your instincts. Your gut will tell you if the estate agent you just interviewed is the right one for you or not. After having done your due research and after interviewing your shortlisted candidates, you just need to listen to your gut.

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