Home Business Dickensian Designs | 5 Tips to Keep Your Office In the Modern Age

Dickensian Designs | 5 Tips to Keep Your Office In the Modern Age

by Olufisayo
5 Tips to Keep Your Office In the Modern Age

As a jobseeker I have recently had the interesting experience of visiting a large number of businesses, allowing them to impress me with their ethics, culture and acumen.  It was somewhat of a surprise to encounter a handful of businesses whose dreary workspaces had fallen far behind, or should I say ‘had been left behind’, in the dynamic evolution of contemporary office life.

The modern office as it stands today can really be traced back to the mid to late 1980’s, coinciding with the advancement and wider use of the PC.  Prior to that there was very little change for the best part of a century except for some handy improvements in the functionality of your basic typewriter.  Since then technology has transformed and developed at an unimaginable rate and has brought with it a whole new language, design innovation and culture.

It stands to reason then that anyone who can’t keep pace will be at a great disadvantage.  Making a stunning first impression to clients shows that you are a state of the art business with the facilities and technology to excel.  On top of this is the consideration of staff satisfaction, well being and retention alongside increases in productivity.  Contacting experts such as Acacia Group office fitouts in Sydney is an ideal way to start as they can provide free design consultations and open up a world of options like those outlined below.

5 Tips to Keep Your Office In the Modern Age

Plan for Open Plan

Collaborative workspaces and open plan designs have become the norm.  The value of sharing ideas, energy and team building cannot be overemphasised.  Designated Quiet areas and Focus rooms can be implemented in your design which will allow staff privacy when they need to concentrate away from noise or gives them the ability hold confidential meetings.

Stunning Stylish Surrounds

It goes without saying that a contemporary office needs to be fitted with modern, streamlined furniture in natural eco friendly materials.  De-clutter, archive and procure some slick storage equipment which blends in with your new decor.

Tech Savvy

Getting a computer whizz on board is absolutely imperative.  Technology is unreliable and can literally bring an office to a grinding halt if one of a multitude of possible glitches occur. Having a technology consultant on call would be the next best thing.  Find someone you can trust who has the experience and know-how to cover any eventuality. High speed internet should be No. 1 on your list – slow or unreliable connections can cause staff frustration and discontent not to mention lowered productivity.

Train and Maintain

Develop and maintain a staff training plan,  Corporate training and development can be one of the best investments you can make allowing you to advance employee skills, productivity and job satisfaction.  Training staff allows for internal promotion opportunities as well as attracting new employees and retaining your current ones.

Illuminate with Light and Glass

Natural light and the beauty of glass can make a dramatic impact to both the initial impression of a business along with creating a pleasing work environment.  Natural sunlight improves the mood and directly impacts productivity and even affects your hormone levels.  Glass partitioning can contribute to access to natural light and staff interaction so it is worth reaping the rewards of a new office fitout.

These are only a few of a myriad of ways to drag your office into the 21st century.  I could go on for hours about the benefits of such things as cutting-edge website design, digital marketing and search engine optimisation but that, my friends, is a story for another day…

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