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5 Ways to Make Job Hunting a Little Easier

by Olufisayo

Trawling through job sites, constant CV updates and cover letters – rejection email after rejection email or sometimes no response at all. Job hunting is something we all inevitably have to put ourselves through at some point in our lives.

Whether you’re looking for a new direction in your career, you no longer want to work in your current role, or you just want a little more money in your paycheque each month, job hunting isn’t for the faint-hearted and it requires perseverance and even more patience.

Want to know how you can make job hunting a little more bearable? Read on for 5 ways to make job hunting a little easier.

Recruitment agency

Does anyone really enjoy job hunting? It’s laborious, it’s hard work, seemingly endless and often ends with disappointment. This is where a recruitment agency can help. Recruitment agencies such as 4cornerresources will be able to advertise your skills and your attributes to potential employers in your chosen field. Getting you a step closer to your dream job and the career you really want.

Use social media to your advantage

Believe it or not, in the job hunting world, social media is your friend. First, make the decision to smarten up your social media accounts and remove anything that could lead potential employers to question your integrity or your professionalism.

Use sites like LinkedIn to sing your own praises, to list your attributes, your skills, and your experiences. Reach out to potential employers in your area via LinkedIn, introduce yourself and ask them about potential vacancies or what you could do to get your foot in the door.

Let everyone know you’re job hunting

Let as many people as possible know that you’re job hunting, whilst being respectful to your current employer if you have one. The more people who know you’re scouting for a change in career the better.

Word of mouth spreads fast and all takes is a conversation between a friend and someone looking for the ideal candidate to get your name out there. Be proactive in your search and let everyone know your plans.

Don’t waste your time

So, you’ve come across what looks like the perfect job, yet you don’t have enough experience or all the qualifications they’re asking for. Should you still apply? Simply put, no. Doing this will only waste your time and the time of the prospective employer.

If an employer sees you don’t even match the basic criteria, they probably won’t care that this is your dream role…they’ll just move onto the next applicant. It’s frustrating, to say the least, but it’s better to keep looking.

Adapt your CV and cover letter for every job

It’s time-consuming but essentially worth it. Avoid simply sending out the same generic CV and cover letter. Instead, read the job descriptions carefully and what they expect from the ideal candidate.

Then, adapt your own skills and attributes in your CV to match their criteria. This will certainly make you stand out from other candidates and helps them to see that you’re perfect for the role.

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