Home General 7 Must-Haves for a Trip Abroad

7 Must-Haves for a Trip Abroad

by Olufisayo
Trip Abroad

Whether you’re going abroad for business or pleasure, you’re likely very excited about your trip. In fact, I think even the most serious of adults feel like kids the night before they depart – too excited to sleep. This is great, but it can also mean your mind isn’t necessarily on the important things, but rather on the fun things.

That’s why people so often forget important items when going on an overseas trip. While you can luckily buy a lot of the most commonly forgotten items (like underwear or chargers) there are a few things that you can’t access as easily there. Keep reading to find out what you need to have when going on a trip abroad.

Travel insurance

While holidays are supposed to be fun, accidents can happen. And if there’s anything worse than an accident, it’s an accident in a foreign country. And if there’s anything worse than that, it’s an accident in a foreign country, without travel insurance.

Travel insurance will cover most emergencies or unfortunate events that may occur while on holidays, such as lost or stolen luggage, medical emergencies, or cancelled flights. If you’re worried about something going wrong with your plans, you can always opt for cancel for any reason travel insurance.


Medication is one of the most important things you need to take on your trip abroad. Not all medication is available in all countries, so it might be a hassle for you to get your prescription refilled if you have forgotten your medication.

It’s a good idea to take a surplus in case of unforeseen circumstances that may lead to you running out. Make a list of medications you use and check that you have more than enough for your trip. Keep it somewhere easily accessible, and tell your travel buddies where it is in case there’s an emergency.

It’s also a good idea to have a medical card containing your medical information, such as your insurance provider, any medications you’re on, any medical conditions, and any allergies.


You’re definitely going to want to document your trip. Whether it’s to show your family and friends back home, or whether it’s to look back on in a few years, photos are a necessity. And, let’s face it, everyone is going to take at least a few photos when they’re overseas.

Whether you’re someone who documents everything – from the plane to the food to the traffic signs – or someone who will only snap something if they really find that it takes their breath away, you’ll need some form of a camera.

Obviously, you can use your phone, but you’ll likely be using your phone a lot already, and snapping photos all day is sure to drain the battery as well as occupy all of your storage space. Your best bet is going to be to get a digital camera: easy to use, lightweight, and you get one for every price range.


Sure, Google maps is great, but what if you lose signal or go onto an unmarked road? Or what if your battery dies? In this case, it’s best to go old school with a proper map of the area. Of course, you don’t need to actually use it, but it’s nice to have in case something happens.

You can also use it to mark off sights or places you visited. And when you’re done, it can make a great souvenir for someone you love, or just a keepsake for you.


You probably have a lot of things planned, and it’s a good idea to have some form of an itinerary so that you know what takes place on what date, as well as what time and where it takes place.

This can be simple as adding it to your phone’s calendar, or, if you’re more creative, you can have some fun with creating exciting itineraries for everyone in your group.

It can be tough to create an itinerary, either because you don’t know what to put on it or because there are too many options and you don’t know where to start. Don’t fear – you can click here to learn how to create the perfect itinerary.


Going abroad always involves various documents. Seriously, so, so many documents. From identification to passports to visas to plane tickets to proof of payment . . . It feels like ninety percent of your luggage consists of paperwork.

It can be handy to make a list of what documents you need and to check the list every time you move from one hotel to the next so that you can keep track of everything.

It’s also advisable to make multiple copies as well as digital copies. Aside from the obvious documents, there are a few other documents that aren’t always strictly necessary but will be very helpful in making your trip more convenient.

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