Home Business Getting People’s Attention Is a Skill You Need to Master: 7 Ways to Attract More Eyeballs to Your Exhibition Stand

Getting People’s Attention Is a Skill You Need to Master: 7 Ways to Attract More Eyeballs to Your Exhibition Stand

by Olufisayo
7 Ways to Attract More Eyeballs to Your Exhibition Stand

In the midst of the sights and sounds of a busy trade fair, getting a steady stream of visitors to your stand is no easy feat. For those that do manage it, the rewards are bountiful. 83% of trade show visitors have buying authority for their firms, and 79% and of these visitors use the fairs to make important purchasing decisions.

This means you need to attract eyeballs to your exhibition stand. You want these purchasers to remember your stand the next time they are making purchasing decisions. To do that, you need something that stands out. Here are seven ways to make your exhibition stand stand out from the crowd.

For more information or for expert trade booth designs available for rent, visit Exponents.com, the trade booth professionals.

7 Ways to Attract More Eyeballs to Your Exhibition Stand

Higher is better

The easiest way to get your stand to attract more visitors is to raise the elevation. Adding a second floor to your booth will mean it is a large, intriguing structure.

Even if you don’t add elevation to the entire stand, heightening one wall and putting your company logo on the raised structure will mean everyone at the trade show sees your logo at the very least.

Get Unique Swag

Everybody walks away from trade shows with more mugs, pens, and tote bags than they could ever use in a lifetime. To really get your business to stick in people’s mind, hand out something they aren’t expecting.

Companies which hand out branded headphones, laptop skins, small puzzles, and even a bag of your own coffee roast, will be far more memorable than those that keep giving out pens.

Use Effective Lighting

The booth’s lighting is another way to stand out from the competition. You don’t want to go overboard and make your stall look like a fairground ride, but some elegant LED lighting, that draws attention to the product or the most important parts of the stall will add to the experience.

If you want to explore different colours, keep it to one or two colours that match the company logo and don’t go too bright.

Expand Your Online Presence

Both before and after the event, be sure your company is active on social media. If you can generate a buzz around your stall before you even arrive at the event, people will be on the lookout for your stall already and the battle is half won.

Use Humour

Your sales pitch and product information are likely already available online and in distributed company reading material and press releases. Trade events are an opportunity to offer purchasers more than just a sales pitch.

Your team should aim to make eye contact, initiate engaging conversation, ask questions, and above all, use humour. If someone has a positive interaction with your team, they are far more likely to remember your company than if they were subjected to yet another generic sales pitch spoken at them.

Use Videos

If your team is focussing on generating engaging conversation, you can use a video to get the important information and sales message across. The human eye is drawn to screens and moving images, so make a striking video that will bring people in and give them the important information quickly. Once they’re there, your team can go to work creating a positive, lasting impression.

Feed the Masses

Trade show visitors can spend five or six hours trawling the exhibition stands and booths. As time draws on, they will need to eat. Offering nibbles and refreshments will be one way to get people over, and while they are chowing down, they are a captive audience.

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