Home General 8 Methods to Achieve Optimum Office Branding

8 Methods to Achieve Optimum Office Branding

by Olufisayo
Optimum Office Branding

Be Inclusive

When it comes to representing your company, it isn’t just about your logo or your brand– it’s about the people that make it all happen! For example, when designing a space for the company, make sure to speak to employees and get their input on how to best make the space usable. By understanding how others perceive the organization, it allows you to incorporate those thoughts into the actual design of the space.

Consider What Your Website Says

In order to appropriately brand an office space, look no further than the corporate website. It will clue you into the mission statement of the company and what it stands for. This is a great way to get the ball rolling if you feel stuck.

Use Your Location Wisely

When considering the branding of your office, it’s crucial to take into consideration the actual location of the office. What does it stand for and does it have special meaning? For example, a large painted wall mural can really enhance the space while giving clients and visitors alike something to look at upon entry. Office graphics are also important for making an office space look nice.

Assess The Different Needs

All spaces within an office serve different needs. In areas where you deal with reception and clients, you will want your branding front and center. In short, it should remain the main focal point. However, staff spaces that are reserved for employees should have a different kind of vision. Instead of corporate messages being drilled into their minds, staff would benefit more from a relaxing space that’s conducive to productivity.

Make Your Product The Focus

If your company is product-based and not service-based, consider how you can make your best-selling product the main attraction of the office. For example, if your company sells food, why not make a kitchen the center of attention?

Create A Break Room

Break rooms are necessary spaces where staff members can kick back and relax during their time off. Don’t shy away from adding something fun such as a foosball table to the room! Having a place of gathering where everyone can let loose can help serve as the core focus of the office environment.

In fact, break rooms are probably some of the most infamous places in an office environment and will ultimately offer employees something to look forward to after working hard on a project or assignment. This concept has received global recognition as one that works well in all kinds of office settings.

Consider Using Branding As An Excuse For Productivity

The best office environment is one that makes work easy and seamless. If your company does a lot of team projects, for example, a collaborative working space is a great way to bring everyone together according to OFS.

Likewise, if more confidentiality is needed, a quiet environment is a vital necessity. By paying attention to what the office is all about, you can create a space that offers enhanced productivity. Some offices do well with an open floor plan while others may need to consider grouping employees into cubicles to offer more privacy for their work efforts.

Stay Away From Flashy

Modern is a good way to go, but by no means should an office become flashy or too luxury-oriented. It will definitely make employees and clients alike question what their funds are being spent on. Wasting money on fixtures and fancy decor trends won’t do the company any favors in the long haul.

Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash

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