Home Business Agile Opportunity Canvas – Delivering high business value

Agile Opportunity Canvas – Delivering high business value

by Olufisayo
Agile Opportunity Canvas

Projects, programs, events, there is end number of tasks available in an organization; and it is very important to prioritize each work and finish it within a time period to increase the productivity of the organization. Strategies and plans are created to complete the tasks or project on time and in the most creative way possible.

There is a lot of software and tools which you can choose from to make these strategies while fully utilizing the resources available within the company. Agile Opportunity Canvas is one of the techniques which help in increasing the business value of an organization.To know more about CSM Certification in Bangalore please visit StarAgile site.

Agile is a term which is commonly used in the IT sector, Agile consists of various frameworks and methods which helps in delivering the product on time while keeping cost efficiency and resources in mind. Before understanding what Agile Opportunity, Canvas refers to, let’s focus on what Agile exactly means. Agile, also known as Agile software development in the IT sector, is a method which is considered when the total number of employees is high in an organization. This software helps in maintaining a rapport between employees within a team and in other regions. It also helps in assigning tasks to each employee and checking the progress, so that the product is delivered within the timeframe required.

Agile Opportunity Canvas

Benefits of Agile software development:

  • Helps in eliminating repetitive tasks
  • Easier to share information about the project
  • Helps in enhancing the employee’s talent
  • helps in increasing productivity
  • Cost-effective as it helps in utilizing the resources available within the organization (outsourcing not required)

According to the traditional approach for demand management in Agile Model, with the help of decision matrix, a project is chosen to be worked on within an organization. Through an agile approach, as the team members work on the project they get the details like the scope, objective and planning required. Planning plays an important role in the Agile Approach; Strategic planning, portfolio planning, product planning, release planning, iteration planning and daily planning helps in reducing the risk incurred by the company.

Agile Opportunity Canvas:

Agile Opportunity Canvas, also known as Agile project Charter, is used to make sure that the business value is given the highest priority while working on a project. This also gives clarity to the higher level management and the decision makers whether or not the investment is utilized in the right form.

The above diagram, Agile Opportunity Canvas, helps in delivering high business value of the organization. Following is the process for facing the challenges of the project, creating a solution and how the final outcome is derived. It can be customized according to the projects or the organization’s requirement.

Agile Opportunity Canvas Process:

  1. Problems: In the first step of the Agile Opportunity Canvas the problem of the task or project is stated – Why should the idea be adopted? What is the problem? In this step, the problems faced by the customer and potential problems are listed out along with the solution which is already provided with.
  2. User and Customer: The second step of Agile Opportunity Canvas, you need to identify who are your users and customers, who can also be a two different audience segment.
  3. Solutions Today: When you have determined your users and customers, you will be able to figure out the problems faced by them and how they are solving those problems. Whether the customers are using software or a tool to find the solution or through a less convenient method.
  4. User Value: Building a relationship with the user and customer will help you retain the audience; solving their problem will help you maintain a rapport with the users, hence increasing the user value.
  5. User Metrics: This step is to analyse whether the solution created is able to help the user or not, this will help you know or analyse the product delivery value of the project. If the solution is not helping the user, it will also help you determine whether or not the project should be continued or stopped.
  6. Adoption Strategy: In this step, you need to analyse all the factors before coming up with a new solution as the old one didn’t help the users. You also need to come up with a strategy to promote the solution so that it is adopted by the users and the customers. Creating a demo of the solution and a pictorial demo will help the audience to adopt the new solution.
  7. Business Problem: Apart from the user and customer’s problems, your company might also have some problems. This step helps in understanding the problems which the company is going through, solutions for those problems and how can it be controlled (internal or external help required).
  8. Business Metrics: This step helps in determining the solutions for the problems faced by the company. Even the solution is analysed so that the company is able to create a back-up plan if the solution fails. (solution is analysed in both ways – Success or failure)
  9. Budget: Budget is very important when it comes to determining the number of employees required for a project along with the resources required to come up with the solution.

Adopting these steps, Agile Opportunity Canvas will help you increase your business value while maintaining the quality of the products delivered to the audience. It is a great way to deliver products with a great solution, which is also determined with the help of the audience, within a time frame. Hence increasing the productivity of the company and delivering high business value. Following are few benefits of adopting an Agile Opportunity Canvas in your organization or within a team:

  • It is a transparent process and can be viewed by the entire organization apart from the team.
  • The projects are prioritized in an effective manner and the portfolio of the product is maintained.
  • Helps in eliminating duplication of tasks.
  • As the process helps in analysing the problems and solution with collective thoughts, this canvas helps in maintaining a balance within the team with a logical route.
  • It also helps in determining the current market trends and if the project or idea will work out in the market or not.

Agile Opportunity Canvas has proven to be helpful in multiple organizations during the planning and execution phase, as all the factors, metrics and possible solutions are taken into consideration to complete a project successfully

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