Home General Augmented Reality in Business: How AR May Change the Way We Work

Augmented Reality in Business: How AR May Change the Way We Work

by Olufisayo
Augmented Reality in Business

We live in a time when technology is slowly but surely moving beyond the screen and into the real world. Artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and now augmented reality (AR) are playing a key role in shaping how we work, as it has the potential to make the workplace more efficient and productive than ever before.

AR was mostly seen as a platform for video games and entertainment in its infancy, but that was before companies started recognizing its potential in other areas. From cost-efficiency to improved customer service, AR can enhance a wide range of business processes for numerous industries, with an estimated increase to 4.3 billion global consumers by 2025.

AR allows us to explore virtual worlds through our smart devices by projecting digital content (such as sound, video, or graphics) on top of our field of view and over physical surroundings in a hyper-realistic manner. Unlike similar technologies, AR is more accessible with AR-based applications, which are user-friendly and usually involve using the phone’s camera to add real-time graphics or other information over a user’s environment.

Using AR to Gain New Workplace Skills

AR provides a risk-free environment for workers to practice and hone their skills to excel at their profession. This technique is especially useful in fields where understanding procedures, such as manufacturing and surgery, is essential to the job. It allows for better visualization of objects from all sides and angles simultaneously.

With an immersive, hands-on approach, workers and trainees can be presented with step-by-step instructions as they operate a task. As they progress, the AR-based training software will update the instructions to reflect what the worker is doing at that moment. For instance, trainee doctors can use AR to see medical images overlaid on the patient’s body in real-time with visual or audio instructions.

As a result, trainees acquire new skills in an immersive and engaging environment, boosting their performance and confidence since the fear of errors and perilous mistakes is removed.

Working Safely With Remote Support

Almost half of the United States workforce regularly or occasionally works remotely . Hence, employers are increasingly receptive to technologies such as AR as they strive for tools that remove distance barriers and improve staff efficiency since a near-instant connection between staff can increase productivity and allow people to work hands-free.

Even in risky and isolated locations, AR can show workers what otherwise would be hidden. For example, many hazards in a construction environment could lead to accidents, but with AR, these hazards can be identified and removed before potential tragedy strikes.

Design and Modelling Using Augmented Reality

There has been a drastic shift in how designers view and develop products in recent years. Various AR-based tools can visualize a 3D model or prototype by superimposing computer-generated graphics on a construction or design space, allowing designers can create an interactive, realistic experience of the model that significantly exceeds the accuracy of 2D sketches.

Unlike 2D sketches, there is no need to start again from scratch if a design requires changes. With AR, you can directly change the objects in real time, thus solving some problems faster and more efficiently with a seamless transformation in design workflows.

For example, AR collaboration tool for architects can dynamically integrate 3D virtual representations, such as models or prototypes, into all kinds of environments and achieve a highly immersive experience with real-time feedback loops between the designer and the user to refine the product or model based on the users’ feedback and comments.

Connecting With Customers

Customers nowadays mostly rely on mobile applications and websites to interact with products, changing how companies handle the customer experience. AR allows business owners to offer customers a truly personalized experience and connect with them emotionally.

According to a recently conducted research, AR experiences were 70% more memorable, offering customers a unique personalized experience and businesses an interesting competitive edge.

AR can also provide customers with an interactive experience that allows simplified product browsing, visualization, and customization. For example, potential customers can view a 3D model of a certain product, such as a sofa or coffee table, and see how it would fit in their living room before they make the purchase decision, thus facilitating and redefining the online shopping experience for customers.

So, not only can AR help enhance customer engagement, but it also boosts revenue by encouraging them to buy more items.

As for businesses, this type of experience provides valuable data for the company or business about the customer and their preferences since business owners can also obtain real-time customer feedback. With this information, companies can launch more personalized and customized offers to their customers in the future.

Is the Future of Business an Augmented One?

For business-oriented individuals who are looking to start a business, AR can be an exciting, lucrative marketing tool since it is accessible on a variety of devices and is more interactive than traditional marketing modalities.

Integrating products or services into the consumers’ environment could encourage consumers to buy from companies offering AR services and increase customer conversion rates. As evident in a survey of 15,000 U.S. and international consumers conducted by Deloitte, a leading services provider for business, companies offering AR experiences were 41% more likely to be considered by consumers.

AR has the potential to change the way we look at business since it allows us to see, explore, interact, and communicate with the world more engagingly. It creates a unique sense of reality through 3D reconstructions to view or offer products, services, and educational material and contributes to providing instant feedback on projects during conceptualization and development.

Indeed, the business world will change beyond recognition in the next twenty years thanks to the ongoing interest and exponential demand for this revolutionary technology.

Photo by My name is Yanick on Unsplash

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