Home Business 5 Bad Excuses for Not Applying to Business School

5 Bad Excuses for Not Applying to Business School

by Olufisayo
Bad Excuses for Not Applying to Business School

Many entrepreneurs have toyed with the idea of applying to business school. After all, the insights, knowledge and experience that an MBA provides is invaluable to building a successful enterprise via better decision-making, problem-solving and strategic planning.

Earning an MBA requires a great deal of commitment, though. From the moment you decide to apply to an AACSB-accredited online MBA program, you’re making the decision to devote time and energy to your studies, which can be challenging given the demands of your business.  That being said, it’s still worth the time and effort, and many of the excuses for not getting a graduate business degree don’t really hold water. If any of the following reasons for not taking the leap and applying to business school apply, you are holding yourself back unnecessarily.

Bad Excuses for Not Applying to Business School

1. You Don’t Have a Lot of Real-World Experience

In the past, business school was largely the domain of professionals who had at least five years of experience in their careers. However, as graduate programs have become more diverse in terms of age, gender and professional experience, schools have become less concerned about how much experience applicants have and more focused on what they have actually accomplished in their time since college. The bottom line is that if you have crystal-clear goals for your MBA, and can demonstrate how the degree will help you meet them, you can still get in with fewer years of experience under your belt.

2. You Already Own a Business

One of the most common arguments against entrepreneurs getting an MBA is the fact that many business owners have built successful empires without earning a degree. However, because the business school environment fosters collaboration and innovation, allows students to build their professional networks and provides a greater understanding of the fundamentals of business, it’s still a worthwhile endeavor. Not to mention, business school admissions committees are typically attracted to business owners due to their experience and the personal character traits they tend to possess, including innovation and perseverance. In short, your entrepreneurial experience can be an asset to your MBA studies.

3. You Haven’t Done Anything Exceptional

When you look at the alumni lists for many top business schools, it looks like a who’s who of exceptional individuals. You might think that because you weren’t a billionaire before 25, an Olympian or a world-class mountain hiker, you don’t have a chance. Before you discount your own achievements, though, consider that the majority of MBA students are just like you and have plenty of accomplishments that were still impressive, even if they didn’t make headlines. Don’t let the achievements of others intimidate you, but rather focus on how earning an MBA can help you join the list of exceptional alumni.

4. Your College GPA Wasn’t Stellar

You might think that you need a 4.0 GPA to get into business school. While that can certainly add to your application, it’s not a requirement. In fact, the average MBA applicant GPA ranges from 3.3 to 3.5. MBA admissions committees look at the entire package when evaluating applicants, including grades, test score, recommendations and essays. As an entrepreneur, you likely have the qualities that they are looking for, including grit, initiative and originality, which can make up for a less-than-stellar college GPA.

5. You Don’t Have Time

This is perhaps the most common excuse for not going back to school for an MBA – and the least valid. Yes, earning a graduate degree takes time. You will need to attend lectures, complete reading, write papers, conduct research and work on projects. When you are busy with your business, you might wonder how you can squeeze all that in.

Thanks to online programs, though, getting an MBA is easier than ever. Generally speaking, online programs only require students to take one course at a time for two years, with most classes lasting six to 10 weeks. And because MBA programs stress real-world learning and hands-on application of concepts learned in class, it’s actually possible that you can apply the concepts to your business and solve problems and implement innovative new ideas while you’re still in school. So while school is a commitment, it is time well spent.

So, if you are an entrepreneur and you have considered going back to school, don’t let these excuses hold you back. With persistence and hard work, you can earn your degree and improve your business by going back to school.

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