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What Are the Benefits of Mobile Learning?

by Olufisayo
benefits of mobile learning

Technology is transforming the ways in which we learn and one of the most exciting areas of development right now is the use of mobile devices. Increasingly, companies are turning to gadgets such as tablets and smartphones to deliver training solutions to their employees. If your business isn’t already taking advantage of this approach to upskill your staff members, now could be the time to start.

Here, we take a look at a few of the main benefits associated with this style of learning.

benefits of mobile learning

It offers considerable scope for creativity  

Many people struggle to absorb and retain information when it is presented to them in bulk in a traditional training manual or other similar resource. One of the major plus points of mobile learning is the fact that it enables you to be much more creative in your approach to presenting training material.

Organisational learning and development specialists such as GP Strategies can work with your organisation to design and build platforms that suit the specific needs of your personnel. Learning solutions can encompass anything from games that transform theoretical content into engaging, interactive stories to scenario-based activities that allow your employees to hone their skills by dealing with situational simulations.

Mobile learning also allows you to deliver information to your workers in bite-sized chunks, which can help them to process and retain the facts they need to perform their jobs successfully.

It enables you to provide real-time performance support

Another advantage of this approach is the fact that it makes it possible for you to provide real-time performance support to your employees. Mobile learning solutions can be tailored to ensure your staff members have instant access to information aids whenever they need it. For example, sales teams can look up product features immediately before meeting with customers. It’s even possible to harness systems that provide employees with proactive prompts as they go about their tasks. By utilising systems like these, you stand to significantly enhance the performance of your workers.

It offers much greater flexibility

On a more general level, mobile learning is also much more flexible than traditional training solutions. Personnel can access the information they need anytime, anywhere. Whether they’re at their desks in work, waiting at the airport or taking a train journey, they can view and engage with their learning materials. This can help them to fit their studies around their schedules and enable them to use their time more efficiently. All of this is good news for both your employees and your business.

Given the clear benefits associated with mobile learning, it seems likely that this innovative approach to improving skills is here to stay.

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