Home General Best SEO Secrets Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Best SEO Secrets Every Entrepreneur Should Know

by Olufisayo
Best SEO Secrets Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Online marketing has gained prominence with the tectonic shift of the world around us online. Combination of strategies like SEO and content marketing are necessary to gain traction and cement a strong digital presence.

This post details 7 best SEO secrets that every entrepreneur ought to know :         

Quality Content

Content is a sort of an understatement for a better SEO. Quality content is what both users and search engines cherish. Detailed and longer content usually performs way better due to much more relevancy to the search query and longer reader engagement. Engaging is another factor of content that needs to be taken care of for the user to continue reading the full post. Hiring top-quality freelance writers from a plethora of job platforms like Fiverr, Guru, Upwork and Freelance can help create that optimum post which brings in a lot of visitors.

Best SEO Secrets Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Target Audience

Knowing your potential customers and audience can help you focus better on them leading to much more interaction. Content on viral topics or queries of your target audience can help them find you easily on search engines in effect establishing rapport.

Platforms like Quora and Reddit are apt if you wish to do research into what your target audience is interested in knowing about. Content-based on research then will provide a complete and comprehensive offering to your audience which will engage and form a loyalty in them.

Page Speed

User attention span is very short nowadays. Slow loading websites and pages not only amount to irritation but also lose you, valuable visitors. Search engines also factor this in their rankings so as to provide visitors with quick-loading content and websites. Decluttering the non-essential elements of your website can increase page speed and enhance SEO.

Keyword Research

This used to be an extremely important part of SEO until the search engines started valuing quality content and relevance. Keywords are essential if you want to get traffic and readership to your blog or website. Keyword research is a must to find valuable keywords and also map their future potential.

Several tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, Serpstat etc., can help provide extensive insight into the desired keywords and also aid you to find new ones. Using keywords naturally through the content, title, headings etc., gives a major SEO boost and brings in new visitors.

Link Building

Link building is another major facet of SEO. This has been proved numerous times to be effective in increasing search engine ranking position (SERP) and visibility. Search engines value this into their algorithms along with taking it as a confirmation for your content relevancy. Building relation with fellow bloggers, blog commenting, websites etc., can be applied to get people and websites to link with yours.

Meta Descriptions

This is where a large number of people lose out on. The meta-description is the section that users view when your page comes up on search results. Duplicate or copied meta-descriptions are penalized severely by search engines and should not be used. A meta-description with naturally used keywords and relevancy to the post is essential for perfect homepage SEO. You can read this post from Seojet about homepage SEO specifically and gain knowledge on its various aspects.


Regularly creating and updating content can help keep up the resh factor’ which is important for SEO. Creating unique content regularly can engage the visitor and bring him/her back to your website.

These 7 secrets can be the USPs of your website or blog and help you gain widespread growth over your competitors. Although SEO is a vast and varied field, these secrets can empower you with the necessary juice your dream website needs.

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