Home Business On Cloud 9: Why Business Are Head Over Heels In Love With Cloud Computing

On Cloud 9: Why Business Are Head Over Heels In Love With Cloud Computing

by Olufisayo
Cloud 9

Brian Adams once sang a song about his experience on cloud number nine. He was, of course, using it as a metaphor to convey what it was like to be in love.

But little did our 1990s power-ballad singer know, in just two decades’ time people would be falling in love on another type of cloud. Cloud computing.

Unlike Brian Adam’s fleeting feelings of infatuation, however, our love affair with cloud computing is here to stay. According to a report by Goldman Sachs, spending on cloud computing infrastructure has already gone from $20 billion in 2008 to an astonishing $120 billion in 2014. And it will continue to grow at a compound annual rate of 30 % until 2018 at least.

Cloud 9

“Why?”, I hear you ask.

One of the main reasons has to do with the fact that cloud computing companies are able to make the newest software available as soon as it’s released. Cloud computing customers get immediate upgrades to their systems and immediately improvements in functionality. This means that companies can get a head start over their competition languishing behind with outdated systems.

Companies can also gain from the greater flexibility offered by cloud computing methods. All companies have to do is pay some third party provider a regular fee for a server and some drive space and then let the specialists worry about the rest. Capacity can be adjusted so that companies don’t always have to maintain an inventory of drive space for peak times. This means that their IT infrastructure can now accommodate seasonality in the most efficient way.

Companies like DOMA Technologies, who provide cloud computing are getting rave reviews from customers. Just like Brian Adams, they’re in love.

The technology has allowed firms to do things that they never thought was possible. They’re able to collaborate effectively on documents in real time with people in disparate locations. And they’re able to do all this knowing that their data is safe.

When employees can collaborate on documents, they spend less time travelling to meetings. Obviously, this means less time wasted and less money spent on travel. But there is also a qualitative advantage to cloud collaboration too. The tools are often so good now that they’re better than rattling off work face to face.

But perhaps the one thing that businesses like most about cloud computing is that they no longer have to have their own in-house IT solution. This means that they can just get on with doing the things that they’re good at.

Plus, cloud computing actually has the effect of making systems more reliable. Most cloud computing companies are able to offer some form a remote support. Usually, they’re able to fix issues before you’re even aware. But if something does go wrong, they’re there to offer remote support and guidance.

It’s all the world away from the days when the office computer system went down and it was hours to get the problem sorted. Now problems can be dealt with proactively, not reactively. It’s no wonder, therefore, that businesses are in love

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1 comment

The Key To Business Success Is Increased Productivity March 14, 2016 - 5:38 PM

[…] modern businesses are turning to cloud computing. These systems allow you to remove the need for mass paperwork while they can also promote better […]

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