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8 Easy to Follow Steps to a Successful Cloud Migration

by Olufisayo
cloud migration

In the year 2018, Twitter announced the company’s decision to move more than 300 petabytes of data to Google’s cloud computing environment.

With the age of big data, such decisions to move to the cloud are becoming a matter of urgency. However, no one would have ever anticipated that moving hundreds of petabytes of data to the cloud would one day become a mundane activity rather than a best-kept secret.

More businesses will be keen on making steps towards cloud migration in the future as storage space becomes a constant headache. For most of these businesses, cloud migration is still an alien process that sends shivers down the management’s spines.

Are you looking to move your data to the cloud soon? Don’t flinch. These eight easy steps will get you there.

1. Planning Is Everything

Ensure that you have an apparent reason why you intend to make the cloud migration.

Just like with most other business resolutions, deciding to make this move needs adequate planning.  As such, having a clear plan of action will ensure that you have a vivid end even as you begin the process.

Many benefits accrue from moving to the cloud. But even so, you need to be sure that these benefits apply to your business.

It would help if you also were confident about the designated roles and responsibilities during the migration process. It would also be imperative if you developed a road map on what is required technically and financially.

Planning eliminates the risk of facing potential barriers along the way. You may also decide to set benchmarks that will allow you to assess the milestones achieved in the course of the migration.

2. Decide on the Cloud Environment

It would be helpful if you made a deliberate decision on the cloud environment that works for you. Generally, you can either go single or multi-cloud.

A Single Cloud Environment

In this setting, you only need a single cloud service provider.

The unique service provider will handle all the applications and services your business seeks to migrate to the cloud. With this option, though, you need to be sure that your single cloud environment service provider can accommodate your data needs as your business expands.

If you only need a cloud service provider for a single application, then this model will work for you. Such individual services include Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management.

MultiCloud Model

For multi-cloud environments, your organization can use different public cloud services, which are tailor-made for your business’ needs.

Often, this model allows you to source your cloud migration needs from more than one service provider. You can use the apparent variety to your advantage by sourcing for services from the most qualified providers based on specialization.

With this model, you can scrutinize each provider’s strength on specific applications and settle for their services based on their most robust areas of delivery.

If you decide on a multi-cloud model, you’ll have the luxury of variety, which allows you to compare the various service provides. This will help you reduce costs and enhance flexibility.

3. Determine Your Level of Cloud Integration

The move from an on-premise data center to the cloud is achieved through cloud integration.

There are two ways of cloud integration you may need to be aware of before deciding to migrate your company’s business operations. The first is the shallow cloud integration, which involves lifting data as it is and moving it to the cloud.

Conversely, you may also opt for the deep integration approach. The option ensures that your business applications are modified to take full advantage of the available cloud capabilities.

4. Determine the Key Performance Indicators During the Cloud Migration

Nothing is more important than having a well-defined metric for measuring progress.

You need to set out the KPIs, which allow you to keep tabs with the process and assess whether your expectations are being met. Having the KPIs also enables you to have a more transparent way of determining the problems that arise along the way.

5. Have a Security Strategy

The world is no longer at ease following the rise in incidents of cyber insecurity. You need to identify a clear path towards enhancing the security and safety of your data. Consider having a candid conversation with your service provider on their safety strategies, before entrusting them with loads of your highly critical information.

6. Decide on the Service Provider

Now that you have the groundwork in check, you need to decide on the cloud service provider.

Depending on the level of integration and the model you are interested in, making this determination is easy. However, it would help if you also considered other factors such as cost, experience, and capacity to deliver before committing to a binding contract.

You’re guaranteed to get the best and most reliable cloud migration service provider if you take your time and conduct adequate due diligence.

7. Copy Over Data

Once you have your provider on board, communicate your expectations.

You should then copy, and more importantly, replicate your data and applications before committing it to the cloud. From there, you need to ensure that your data is up-to-date to reduce gaps in the data management process.

8. Switch From On-Premise to the Cloud

Once all these considerations are in place, it’s time to make a significant migration. If you and your provider are clear on all the terms, then you’re ready to go live. You can now enjoy the benefits of cloud computing.

Use These Steps for Successful Cloud Migration

Managing data on-premise can be a real nightmare in the age of big data.

On top of dealing with storage constraints, you must also address the constant fear of the many security hazards in a physical location.

However, with cloud services, there comes a new level of efficiency in data management.

If you have been wondering how to commence the process of cloud migration for your business operations, then this guide addresses all your concerns with these eight easy tips.

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