Home General Why You Should Have a Good Corporate Law Attorney on Speed Dial

Why You Should Have a Good Corporate Law Attorney on Speed Dial

by Olufisayo
Corporate Law Attorney

Do you own and manage your own small business? If so, you realize that it’s a daily task to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible.

One thing that is bound to pop up from time to time is a legal issue that deserves an answer from a reliable source. This is where having a good corporate law attorney is a must!

Here are just a few reasons why you should find a solid attorney who will work for you and your business’s needs.

Corporate Law Attorney

Issues With Ex-Employees

Do you have an employee that you had to recently let go from his position? Not every employee leaves on good terms. You may have terminated their employment based on the fact that they weren’t fulfilling their contract or their employment agreement signed before they were hired in. Either way, if the employee comes back and has concerns about how the termination of employment was handled, its best to have your attorney who specializes in corporate law handle the issue.

If there was a non-compete or non-disclosure agreement in place, this will have to be addressed by a qualified legal team, like the McQuarrie corporate lawyers. Especially if the employee is now working with another company, you’ll want to make sure your business ideas and safety concerns remain confidential. Trying to resolve the issue out of the courtroom is the best solution, but it might not always be the case. Gather as much information as you have and present it your lawyer for further evaluation and research.

Concerns With New Business Acquisitions 

Have you been considering purchasing a new business or adding to your existing team? If so, this is something that has a lot of intricate dynamics to it. Acquiring a new business requires a review of all of the legal paperwork and documents to make sure that everything is right the first go around. Any mistakes or slight errors can cause you the deal or thousands of lost dollars in the long run. It’s important that it’s done right and most importantly, that you understand the terms and definition of the contract. Sitting down with your legal team and going over your concerns and having them answer questions is important.

They can also advise you on if the deal that you’re making is going to beneficial to your company in the long run. If there are any major red flags, they will discuss them with you and give you the options you need to make sure you have a successful start to your new business partnership or purchase.

Corporate Records

Recordkeeping and tracking financial records are imperative for every business owner. You likely have an employee who works directly with your records and bookkeeping to ensure that everything is filed away and documented properly. An internal audit should be conducted on a routine basis to catch small issues before they become a big problem at tax time or when you’re getting ready to make a significant financial transaction.

There are many specifications and requirements in relation to your financial records as well. This is where a good corporate lawyer is essential to have. You can have them inspect your records, go over signed agreements and make sure that all of the proper documents are signed and put away properly. Maintaining these records and having them be accurate at all times is an important factor in how well you run your business.

Creditor Issues

Do you have a lot of issues with clients who don’t pay? Or maybe you’re trying to collect on some debt that is old, but it’s caused your company to suffer a significant loss. A corporate lawyer should be able to handle all of your creditor issues with ease. Having one on speed dial is important, especially in cases where you have a debtor who doesn’t want to pay or has failed to make their obligated payments. In many ways, a corporate law office can serve as a scare tactic to someone who won’t pay up. But if that is unsuccessful in collecting funds, they can be more aggressive with filing a default judgment to help you get the money back that you deserve.

Having a corporate lawyer ready to call at any time can be of real benefit to your business. Find the right law firm today that will help keep your business in check.

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