Home General 5 Inspiring Wellness Practices the Coolest Businesses are Incorporating

5 Inspiring Wellness Practices the Coolest Businesses are Incorporating

by Olufisayo
corporate wellness programs

Do you ever wonder how big your business could be if you could master employee retention? Are you constantly searching for ways to attract and keep major talent?

Every time you lose an employee, your productivity and momentum inevitably suffer. The true cost of turnover is difficult to estimate, but it could be as much as twice the employee’s annual salary.

If you’ve ever had questions about corporate wellness programs, this article’s for you. These programs might be the golden ticket when it comes to combating high turnover rates.

1. On-Site Gyms

If you don’t have too many company wellness programs, on-site gyms are a great place to start. You’re giving your employees free access to programs including yoga, weightlifting, and spin class.

Gyms also typically offer personal training, nutritional counseling, and smoking cessation programs. Being able to say that you’re prioritizing your employees’ well-being is a powerful statement about your company’s values.

Gym memberships allow employees to pursue their personal fitness goals without having to worry about a commute.

If an on-site fitness center isn’t possible, you might want to consider offering free or reduced-cost gym memberships as part of your benefits package.

Depending on whether your fitness center is onsite or not, you may be able to write off the cost of employee memberships when you file your business taxes.

2. Flex Time and Vacation Time

Another popular option for employer wellness programs is a generous vacation package. Employees need to feel confident that they can leave the office for illness, emergency, or mental health and not have their jobs threatened.

The other side of vacation days is flex time. As long as the work is getting done, does it matter when the employee clocks in?

Some people do their best work later on in the day, and some parents need extra time in the morning to get their kids to school.

If you’re going to offer flex time and unlimited vacation, just make sure that it’s not being abused. The same thing goes for remote work opportunities: if productivity suffers, you’ll have to review your policy.

If you have a high percentage of part-time workers who don’t accrue vacation time, it might be a good idea to allow them access to those benefits. They may only work 20 hours per week, but they still have family emergencies and sick days like everyone else.

3. Low-Cost Food Options

The great thing about workplace wellness programs is that they generate good word-of-mouth advertising. An experienced marketing company like Motion can help you get the word out about your perks and benefits.

If you provide food to your employees, is there any way you can get those costs down? Do you offer vegetarian and other heart-healthy options?

Low-cost, healthy food that’s served onsite is a huge draw to potential employees. You may be able to partner with local farms to get heavily discounted produce, meat, and dairy products.

Before you start your lunch program, talk to your employees about what they’d like to see. Is there a certain price that they’d like to spend? Would they rather have lunch every day or once per week?

There has been a trend in the last few years where some offices are offering beer to their employees. It might be a nice way to relax after work, but mixing alcohol and business emails is never a good idea.

4. Mental Health Programs

As you’re brainstorming wellness programs at work, you should probably include mental health services at the top of that list. Also known as “employee assistance programs,” these wellness services include:

  • suicide prevention
  • depression counseling
  • therapy referrals
  • substance abuse treatment

Every year, American companies lose more than $80 billion due to substance abuse. Employees call in sick more often when they are using drugs, leading to a substantial loss in office morale and productivity.

Employee wellness programs are all about generating a positive company culture. They’re about investing in your employees and making sure that they have all the tools they need to do a great job.

Turnover isn’t inevitable. It just takes a little bit of planning to provide adequate support and a calm, nurturing work environment.

5. Company Retreats

If you want to jump-start your employees’ enthusiasm, take them on a vacation. You could go all out and have a weeklong retreat once or twice per year, or you could take a few weekend adventures.

One great idea for a minibreak is to have your employees participate in an escape room. This is a locked-room mystery where teams have one hour or less to find clues and solve puzzles.

It’s an inexpensive way to develop your group dynamics and build trust.

You could also take everyone out to the movies, go camping or hiking, or catch a ride on a local zipline. If you have a really adventurous crew, take them to jump out of a plane!

If you want local mini-retreats, you could go for ice cream, volunteer locally, or even reserve a few hotel rooms a few towns over. It’s all about getting your team out of their comfort zone and getting them to bond.

More Ideas for Corporate Wellness Programs

The first step in implementing corporate wellness programs is to talk to your employees. What could you provide to make them stay?

You might want to offer reimbursement for degree programs, comprehensive no-cost health insurance, or “take your dog to work” days.

Onsite massages or chiropractic adjustments would also be good ideas. Every employee should have an ergonomic desk and chair, along with the opportunity to arrange their workspace efficiently.

People stay where they feel supported. It’s not always about the money, but it just might be about the benefits.

Now that you know all about corporate wellness programs, take some time and check out our other blogs! We have pro tips on everything from marketing and advertising to building out your solo entrepreneurship.

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