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A Linguistic Approach to Creating Content That Ranks

by Olufisayo
Creating Content That Ranks

With the advancement in technology, each sector of the economy has completely transformed including the tech sector too. One can watch its glimpses in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) world where new strategies and ideas are making their own space.

When we talk about SEO then it is obvious to discuss the content; after all, they both walk hand in hand. This time, we have come across a new concept of a linguistic approach that is quite popular nowadays that can help in SEO and rank the site on top.

Search engines like Google are now scrambling for more ways to understand the language. They are directing their efforts to the direction of knowing the depth of the searches the user made on their platforms. In simple words, they want to understand what users are searching for and how to ease their search for the desired products or services.

In recent years, it has been noticed that the linguistic approach and SEO are making a big difference in the online world and derives the best results. In this blog, we have discussed the linguistic approach in depth. Let’s start-

Several Facets of Language

Before we take a deep dive into the linguistic approach to SEO, let’s start with what language is. Letters together form words and words, when used in a specific order then a meaningful sentence is formed. Writing or speaking sentences referred to language. But at the same time, a single sentence can be used to express some different meanings.

For instance, “it’s been so hot in here.” This sentence points to two different meanings. First, it is used to express we’re hot and second, a request to switch on the AC. So, one can conclude that there are several aspects of language and in this blog, we have discussed these different facets of languages briefly.

Know More About the Linguistic Level of Language

Yes, there are different levels of language that one should know. Below, we have listed the few important linguistic terms-

Phonology & Graphology

Language comprises two elements i.e.; sounds and letters which are commonly known as phonology and graphology. The Phonology term is referred to the speech-language whereas graphology refers to writing.

Morphological & Syntax

Another popular study is done at a morphological level that basically studies how these letters and sounds together make a word. Let’s take an example to help you understand this language concept in depth.

For example; you can combine the word “dark” with “side” to come up with a new word, “Darkside” but we can’t combine it with “banana.” It shows that there are some sets of rules that we call syntax which is helpful in creating a meaningful sentence. There are innumerable words you can use to make a sentence but at the same time, the syntax has set few rules to use words in a meaningful manner.


Another related term of language is Semantics which basically studies the meanings derived from the different elements of language.


No matter what you are saying or writing, it should make complete sense. The practice or study of considering the meaning within the text refers to Pragmatics. It’s another element of language. Some sentences include the words that the reader or listener could find a little weird but pragmatic focuses on the meaning within the text.

For example; If a person says, “Would you crack open the window because it’s so hot inside?” The meaning of the word “crack” is “to break,” whereas pragmatically, the actual meaning of the sentence is by opening the door instead of breaking the door.

Which Level of Language Google Understands?

Search engines like Google always adapt changes to perform better, especially in understanding the language of humans. There is no doubt that Google is becoming smarter these days. Initially, it only understood the basic elements of language. If we say clearly, then they could only recognize the keywords, and SEO is further kicked off with just keyword optimization.

Now the story is completely different. They have crossed the basic level of language. Hence, they are able to understand its different aspects including pragmatics, syntax, morphology, semantics, phonology, and graphology. They are mastering different fields of linguistics.

According to a study, it is cleared that

With the advanced machine algorithms having the potential power of detecting the speech & deriving meaningful results, Google has impressed everyone, understanding the human language with 95 percent accuracy.

But how? Wanna know? Here we have rounded up a few points that will tell you briefly about what level of language Google understands. Consider the below-listed points-

Understanding the Difference b/w Quality Content & Thin Content

Google always focuses on every aspect of the language to a little closer. With every update, they endeavor to study the language of humans. With the update of Panda (2011), Google highlighted the difference between the high-quality content and thin content (low-quality affiliate and doorway pages, having no value to the user).

Since this update, Google doesn’t prioritize the ranking of low-quality pages and content with keywords stuffing. They prefer informative content and begin to understand the language at different levels of language.

Understanding Context

The recent big update of BERT (2019) in Google has met the expectation of users as it took a step forward in understanding the language at a human level. This latest innovation has totally improved the level of understanding the language.

Now one can use the context and relations of all the words in a sentence instead of using it one by one and this is all because of the Natural Language Processing (NLP). This technology helps Google to provide the user with better search results. Since this update, Google understands the context and gives even more meaningful results.

Recognize the Meaning of Phrases

With the update of Hummingbird (2013), Google closely analyzed the semantic approach and focused a lot on each word in a search query to take the whole phase into consideration instead of particular words.

Since this update, Google was able to understand whatever you type in a search query. In 2015, the RankBrain algorithm was introduced that also added more points to understand the meanings of phrases.

Understanding Different Word Forms

Gone are those days when you had to stuff your article or blog with the same keyword as now Google is far better than its previous version. Because they have the enormous capability to recognize other terms, phrases, or words related to the topic.

For instance, if you are writing an article on the topic of “cars”, then Google can recognize other forms of words as well, like “motor vehicle,” “motor car,” “automobile” and a lot more to help you rank in search results.

Understanding Pragmatics

Google focuses on improving the SEO in a much better way and this can be experienced in its every update making it better than its earlier versions. They analyze the text to identify the useful results for the users.

To reach this milestone, they use several user signals, including bounce rate, CTR (Click Through Rate), and the time users spent on the portal. It helps the IT giant Google to perform in the best way. They also adapt their search results based on the user’s emotions. ‘

A Linguistic Approach to SEO ( Search Engine Optimization)

So, now you have come across the level of languages that Google understands. But do you have an idea of how you should optimize your content that can be understood by the search engine? No? We have scrambled the right answer to this question.

With every update, Google is trying to understand the language at different levels. Because they have an urge to provide the user with high-quality search results, so they are adapting more and more tech changes to reach their milestone and fit their goals.

But when it comes to creating content that ranks then you should prefer targeting the audience with quality content with the help of SEO marketing experts instead of writing for search engines. Because Google is adapting itself to provide the best search results at the human level, so you should research your audience’s interest and present them with the content that they are looking for. By doing so, you can improve SEO as well.

Write Naturally and Mix Things Up

When it comes to ranking in search engines, people usually prefer keyword stuffing or focus on just adding keyphrases. We would not advise you to do that. You should prefer writing naturally as it will be good for the ranking.

Google now very well understands the different phrases, word forms, synonyms, pragmatic, context, and the difference between high-quality and thin content. Mix up these things in your content and take a foot forward to improve the ranking. Such a practice will help you a lot in achieving your SEO goals effectively.


If you think that Google doesn’t understand your language or whatever you are trying to express with your words, then you are wrong. Search engines like Google are making new linguistic approaches to provide the user with their desired search results.

For this, they have gone through several updates enhancing their performance and shaping modern digital communication. Language is a powerful tool to express what you feel or want and Google is now capable of understanding it all with 95 percent accuracy.

Author Bio:

Ravi Sharma, CEO of Webomaze is a highly enthusiastic entrepreneur. He has got a great grip on the idea of effective eCommerce Strategies, SEO processes, and tactics which are vital for virtual exposure. He is a fun-loving person and a keen traveler who always hunts to find adventure in new places.

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