Home General The Best Industries and Opportunities to Elevate Your Design Career

The Best Industries and Opportunities to Elevate Your Design Career

by Olufisayo
design career

Do you want to see and get great opportunities in the design industry?

Everything needs to have great design and composition now. From education to marketing, you will find a lot of positions are open for creative designers. You don’t even have to look into the freelance market alone.

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can further your design career. Read on to find out what industries and roles are offering some of the best opportunities in design.

1. Get a Career in the Ads Industry

The advertising industry is always opening jobs in designing. Often, designers in the advertising field focus on graphic design. Remember, in advertising, catching people’s attention is your goal.

If you’ve got a knack for developing eye-catching visuals, you have a future in becoming a designer in the advertising industry. Creating an ad with an impressive layout is also an important skill. You may also need versatility in working with illustrations and animations.

Also, did you know that the advertising industry is one of many that need the most creative help? Advertising agencies needed over 325,000 designers working in the US in 2018 from only under 200,000. Think about how many more they’ll need now when the demand for advertising is high.

2. Design Services

If you don’t want to limit your work to advertising or creating video SFX, work in specialized design services. Unlike the title of the service, you can do more as a designer in it in actuality. It’s also an industry that hires most graphic designers and one with the highest paying design jobs.

In this kind of work, you get to work for a variety of clients. That goes for everything from designing interiors to creating logos. Whatever type of design the client wants and needs, you create.

It’s a great place to learn about the different aspects of designing various projects. For example, you might not know much about kitchen designs until you worked and researched on it. You can learn more about this type of work when you apply for specialized design services.

3. Manufacturing and Products Packaging

Manufacturing companies will always need designers. Like advertising, product packaging and manufacturing industries are also short of creative aid. Given how many new products are coming out, it’s no surprise they need more industrial designers.

Brands are always looking for people who can market their products in creative ways. It’s the kind of thing they need to stand out from the competition and sell more. Companies on drinks, toiletries, and more are always opening their doors for designers.

If you’ve got a creative idea on how to package a product, put yourself out there. You’ll need to be more flexible, too. Be ready to create mock-ups, digital designs, meet clients, and do more.

4. Publishing

Design careers are always available in printed publishing or online publishing. While many people say that the printed publication industry is dying, you can still find a position in it. Don’t expect it to last too long though.

There’s a decrease in the employment of professional graphic designers in newspapers and magazines. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t work for your favorite magazine anymore. The key is to become a freelance artist or designer.

Also, remember that books are always coming out. Whether it’s a children’s book or the new hottest YA novel, it’s going to need good design. Here, your best bet is to work as a book cover artist or designer.

If the book is much like a children’s book, you can do more by designing creative elements within the book. The same goes for books on movies, top 100 things, and other coffee-table type tomes.

5. Motion Picture Design and Art Animation

How do you like bringing your ideas to life with animation? Did you get an education on art animation because you got inspired by animated movies? Entertainment media is always looking for designers who can bring life to film.

That includes 2D and 3D animation. Designers, artists, and animators often work together to create masterpieces of film. If you love film and animation, get a design career in the industry.

We’re sure you can find a department where your skills and expertise are useful. For example, you’re good at creating characters, so you’re likely to go to the character design department. If you like creating sceneries and backgrounds, you’re a valuable BG designer.

It’s the same with video content for online business use.

In 2019, we expected to see video content to take up 80% of the internet. This is because it’s a top content marketing medium that promises high quality. It’s no surprise that more websites want to include informative infographic videos.

6. Web Designer

As more businesses shift online, web designers have a lot of opportunities today. All you need is to learn about creating a functional website. You’ll need to know how to code, how to use SEO, understand CMS, and more.

It will take some time to master all these skills that every professional web designer knows. However, it’s going to be worth the effort of learning them all. On average, web designers make around $59,633 per year.

It’s difficult to start a website from scratch. The good thing is that tools and online resources are all available for you already. You only need to know how to make your client’s vision a reality.

As a note, web designers don’t always have to start by studying web design. Employers also put value in practical experience and an impressive portfolio. You can have a background in fine art, graphic design, or software engineering and still be a web designer.

Fulfill Your Passion in a Successful Design Career

These various jobs in design need a lot of creativity, resourcefulness, and originality. Some may need you to learn more about technicality. In others, your experience as a designer is what matters most.

No matter which path you choose, remember to keep your artistry.

Don’t hesitate to go back to this guide when finding the creative industry that’s right for you. If you liked this topic on getting a design career, read our other articles today. We may have the right content to help you out.

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