Home General Do You Need an HR Manager or Consultant?

Do You Need an HR Manager or Consultant?

by Olufisayo
Do You Need an HR Manager or Consultant

Australia’s workforce is constantly changing. More and more businesses are recognizing the value of having an HR Manager or Consultant on staff, but not everyone is sure whether they need one. This blog post will explore these two roles and discuss the factors to consider when deciding which is right for your business. So whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, read on to see if an HR Manager or Consultant could be a valuable addition to your team.

HR Manager

The human resources manager is responsible for the efficient and effective running of the HR department. They work closely with senior managers to ensure that all HR policies and procedures are up to date and compliant with current legislation. They also work closely with line managers to provide advice and support on a range of employee relations issues.

In addition, the HR manager is responsible for ensuring that all staff is trained and competent in their roles. They also play a key role in recruitment, selection, and induction processes. Ultimately, the HR manager is responsible for ensuring that the people who work for the organization are motivated, engaged, and productive.

HR Consultant

An HR consultant is an external advisor who provides expert advice and guidance on various HR issues. They are usually brought in to provide specialist support on specific projects, such as implementing a new HR system or developing a training and development strategy. However, some HR consultants also provide ongoing support to businesses on a retainer basis. The main difference between an HR consultant and an HR manager is that an HR consultant is not an organization employee.

Factors to Consider to Make the Best Decision for Business

As your business grows, you may find yourself at a crossroads: do you need to hire an HR manager or consultant? Here are a few factors to consider to help you make the best decision for your business.


The cost is an important factor to consider when deciding whether to hire an HR manager or consultant. Hiring an in-house HR manager can be costly, as you will need to pay their salary and benefits. However, hiring an HR consultant can also be costly, as you will need to pay their hourly rate. But, the cost of not having an HR professional on staff can be even higher. If you have a lot of employee turnover, for example, the cost of constantly training and onboarding new employees can be very high.

Skills and Experience

Another factor to consider when deciding whether to hire an HR manager or consultant is the skills and experience they can bring to your business. An experienced HR manager will have a wealth of knowledge about different HR topics, such as recruitment, performance management, and compliance.

An experienced HR consultant will also have a wealth of knowledge about different HR topics. However, they may not have as much experience working in an organization like yours. For instance, if you are a small business, you may want to hire an HR consultant who has experience working with small businesses.

Project-Based Work

If you only need HR assistance for a specific project, such as recruiting new staff or developing a performance management system, then hiring an HR consultant may be the best option for you. This is because you will only need to pay for their services for the project’s duration. Once the project is completed, you will not have any further financial obligations. Moreover, they will likely have experience working on similar projects, which can be beneficial.

Size of Your Business

The size of your business is also a factor to consider when deciding whether to hire an HR manager or consultant. You may not need a full-time HR manager if you have a small business. In this case, hiring an HR consultant may be the best option, as you can only pay for their services when you need them.

Final Words

When deciding whether to hire an HR manager or consultant, it is critical to consider the costs, skills, and experience they can bring to your company and whether you require project-based work. The size of your business is also a key factor to consider. Ultimately, whether to hire an HR manager or consultant depends on your specific needs and your business needs. If you are unsure, consult with an HR professional to get their expert opinion.

Have you ever faced this decision in your business? What factors did you consider? Let us know in the comments below!

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

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