Home Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Spirit and Real Results with Market America and SHOP.COM

Entrepreneurial Spirit and Real Results with Market America and SHOP.COM

by Olufisayo
Entrepreneurial Spirit

What is Market America?

Market America is a North Carolina based, global product and internet marketing company. They specialize in 1:1 marketing and are the creator of the Shopping Annuity. Its mission is to provide a robust business system for entrepreneurs, while providing consumers a better way to shop.

Money Making Opportunity

For many, it can be very difficult to provide a decent income for themselves and their families based on today’s average American income. They have goals and plans for their family, but seemingly nothing can drag them out of the cycle of bills and debt.

Oftentimes individuals are forced to work multiple jobs simply to put food on the table. Additionally, many long for a career that is exciting, that motivates them to do the best for themselves and their children and helps them to achieve great success through amazing work. As with any venture that disrupts the norm, some individuals initially felt skeptical when they first learned about Market America.

On the other hand, those people who have followed the process that Market America put into place, and for those who were consistent in their implementation, have seen it pay off in their ability to work from home, or simply build a better life for themselves and their family.

Humble Beginnings, Like Many of Us

Market America was founded in 1992 with the goal of connecting people with products, and products with people. While providing entrepreneurs the means to establish an ongoing income.

With operations in eight countries, including the US, Market America provides unmatched entrepreneurial opportunities for interested, hardworking individuals both at a grassroots and global scale. Market America states that they believe that honesty and integrity are intertwined in success and longevity; principles that put people ahead of profit.

Since their inception over 28 years ago, Market America has continued to grow because of their cutting edge products with the highest quality assurance standards, and, because of a proven business model that has been studied by experts and is shown to produce positive results.

It is inspiring to many that they have continued to produce over 500 millionaires through their extensive UnFranchise® Program. Market America has done this while earning multiple awards from the Better Business Bureau for its commitment to honesty and integrity in the workplace. Many Market America UnFranchise Owners say that through hard work in their businesses with Market America, opportunities for their financial futures are limitless.

Roadmaps to Success: Shopping Annuity 

The Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Market America and SHOP.COM, JR Ridinger, said, “the key to building a successful online business requires a roadmap and the right tour guide to avoid inevitable roadblocks that come up along the road to success”. After years of hard work, his company says they have perfected such models of business with the Shopping Annuity.

This model of business allows customers to earn money from their own current spending while giving them an opportunity to participate in the economy of those transactions. With so many purchases average households have to make for their families, many say that they consider it a blessing and a gift to actually be able to make money from their own household spending.

According to JR Ridinger, his brainchild, the Shopping Annuity® is a business concept like no other. The most inclusive and effective business model available to entrepreneurs to date, success is not dependent on how much money a person makes, their education level, or experience in business.

When people follow this proven system for success to build a solid business of their own, they have the power to be rewarded for spending what they were going to spend anyway. Many proclaim that the choice is a simple one for them to make any time the need for a purchase comes up.

Consumers around the globe may continue to shop from retail establishments and receive no credit, or they can build a Shopping Annuity and convert spending into earning.  When UnFranchise Owners combine their Shopping Annuity with an UnFranchise business they have earned over 4.6 billion dollars.

Market America: Not a Pyramid Scheme

There have been some who have questioned the ethics and standards of this prestigious company because they simply cannot understand the success and honesty of a company where family values, hard work, and integrity are highly valued.

Market America has been the proud recipient of multiple awards from the Better Business Bureau, including the Better Business Bureau’s Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics. The BBB, whose main job it is to find and report scams and shady business dealings, fully support the business practices of Market America, and that makes many proud to be an UnFranchise Owners with the company.

Calling Market America a pyramid scheme couldn’t be further from the truth. Pyramid schemes pay for the recruitment of people. That is not what Market America stands for or base their services around. Pyramid schemes are also illegal, and regularly get shut down by the Better Business Bureau, a big supporter of Market America, and the Federal Trade Commission.

Finally, independent distributors, called UnFranchise Owners, only earn commissions for what they sell on their SHOP.COM and other retail websites. Though they might be happy for a person when a friend or colleague makes the leap to better themselves and find their professional and financial future through an UnFranchise business opportunity at Market America, there is no payment to them when a neighbor, coworker, or complete stranger registers their business with Market America.

Market America is known as a dimaryp model (pyramid spelled backward), or the opposite of a pyramid.  Market America helps all of its UFOs in the company to rise to the top, by being economically incentivized to support all members of their organization, regardless of position.

Name Hijacking: This is Not Ok

Just like in life, there are people in the business world who try to profit off of others’ great success. They try to take negative use of a business’s name for self-promotion, and this term is called “name hijacking”. A lot of the time, name hijacking occurs around Google results when someone searches for a company name.

Here is a great example of name hijacking. If you Googled Market America and saw search results mentioning “Market America, Fake or Legitimate”, you might click on that link out of curiosity. That link is “clickbait”. Then, when you get to the website, and you will find that it is advertising something completely different than Market America (or their offerings).

This is name hijacking. It does not come with any credibility on its own and is a cheap ploy for publicity and clicks. Many of these sites are low-budget, and truly do not have the clout, expertise, and knowledge to stand on their own.

The UnFranchise Owners Life 

The UnFranchise Owner life can provide the opportunity to make a lucrative income while still being able to have a flexible schedule. This means you can work from home or wherever it is most convenient, with a schedule that fits your personal needs.

A benefit to those who have become UnFranchise Owners is the fact that Market America offers a very low-risk, and low barrier to entry opportunity. It is possible for entrepreneurs to start their new venture with Market America without even quitting their day jobs. With enough hard work and dedication eventually, UnFranchise Owner’s income, combined with the money received from my Shopping Annuity, became enough for entire families to comfortably thrive on.

The startup costs associated with becoming a Market America, UnFranchise Owner are quite minimal. Quite a difference from other franchise businesses, which require a large investment up front. With the expenses of running a household, owning their own franchise is often not possible for many families. However, with the UnFranchise business model, aspiring business people do not have to risk their life savings to start a business.

According to many UnFranchise Owners, another great perk of the UnFranchise life is that after they decided to become an entrepreneur through Market America, they were able to choose the area of specialization they were interested in. Many men and women have found a wonderful match for their creative vision and lifestyle in an UnFranchise site; selling things like Motives® by Loren Ridinger, Market America’s cosmetic line.

The beauty industry is one of the largest industries on the planet, and it only continues to grow annually. According to a recent study, it is one of the few industries that keeps on moving forward, even in times of economic downturn.

Motives is an award-winning cosmetic line that consistently stays ahead of the curve trend-wise. Plus, it does not require knowledge of all the trends or different ways to apply makeup. Motives stays on top of trends while handling manufacturing and shipping as well for the beauty advisors. They also provide training and education if you want to learn more. UnFranchise Owners are always kept up-to-date on the best ways to manage their business, keep consumers interested in products, and keep customers looking beautiful.

Quality Products for Successful Business

Market America believes that quality must be built into every facet of a product to ensure it’s passing as a top tier product. Market America says that their products are the most highly tested and quality controlled products, because the company’s quality control process is so rigorous, involving a dedicated team of scientists, strategic relationships with manufacturers and an ever-solid commitment to customer satisfaction.

The company says that product excellence means more to them than just one department or a single step in development. Instead, the quality of a product depends on every single individual during its entire manufacturing process. Market America supplies products such as Isotonix supplements, that are scientifically-advanced formulas designed to give your body the maximum benefit from vitamins and minerals. Many are proud to represent the quality products they sell to customers because they know the standards to which this company holds itself on a  daily basis.

Market America is a product broker and not a manufacturer. In this way, the company says that they are able to act as an independent quality inspector between the manufacturer and the customer. If a customer lets an UnFranchise Owner know that a product they ordered arrived damaged, Market America ensures that that product is returned to the manufacturer for replacement. Market America insists that every product is manufactured consistently with purity, performance, strength, and uniformity. Many UnFranchise Owners feel good knowing that the products they base their future on are only helping their customers feel their best.

Market America holds suppliers to the same quality standards that they themselves operate under. Every product they put their name on must meet a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), which ensures that every product produced was produced at a facility that meets only the highest standards in materials, facility security, cleanliness of manufacturing equipment, vendor qualification, employee training, and more. In fact, their SOP is a useful and valuable tool for all manufacturing facilities to follow.

This way Market America can ensure that every product they produce exceeds customer expectations. Many feel that because of the high level of care that is being put into the products produced by Market America, they are privileged to be sharing them with their customer base. There is never a worry about any defects in the products going out to Market America customers.

The American Dream

Market America has proven that they support the dreams of ordinary people who are rising up to take advantage of opportunities Market America offers, in order to be the best versions of themselves. This represents the American Dream for millions of Americans and other nations around the world. In fact, Market America was endorsed by current U.S. Senator, Tom Tillis of North Carolina.

In a recent letter to Marc Ashley, Market America and SHOP.COM’s President and COO, Senator Tillis wrote that Market America “exemplifies America’s economic vitality and leadership”. It is inspiring that this company is taking the values of American leadership, prosperity, hard work, ingenuity, individuality, and dynamic motivation and spreading them to a global audience of entrepreneurs ready to make a better life for themselves and their families.

A former pastor and current United States Representative from North Carolina, Mark Walker, also completely supports the efforts of Market America. He noted that the heart of the American dream was entrepreneurship, which Market America is bringing successfully to the masses. The countless people living their best-lives through Market America are proof of that.

Motives® by Loren Ridinger

Many UnFranchise Owners find that selling Motives® by Loren Ridinger is one of the best decisions they have ever made. There are many who may never have imagined becoming a makeup distributor or having a future as a cosmetologist, but end up greatly succeeding with this cosmetics line. Naturally, the opportunity to work on one’s own time and grow exponentially is an alluring prospect.

Many people are told to get an education, a decent job, and then that will allow them to magically live happily ever after. Most people work a lifetime at one employer, with some being pushed into early retirement, downsized, and forgotten about by their employer in the end. There are those who come to an understanding that there has to be something better out there. They long for the chance to be in business for themselves rather than scrounging to make it to the top all by themselves.

It is easy for many people to be concerned about what others think of them or how they make their income. They often don’t think of the many benefits that could come with that income source such as tax benefits, time to be with friends and family, and growth potential. It is easy to become dedicated to companies that don’t care about their employees.

Though it is easy to be skeptical of all of the opportunities that Market America has to offer, UnFranchise Owners have proven that selling Motives Cosmetics and other products through a Market America UnFranchise business is a viable way to help achieve their personal and financial goals. What has impressed most people about Market America is how professional the entire process feels from beginning to end.

Many maintain that there is warmth, trust, and empathy coming from the individual presenting the information. They claim there is an incredible manner to which the presenter delivers the information and a savviness of the technology that Market America offers.

Real Growth, No Schemes

Whether it is your primary job or a second source of income, Market America has proven to be a family-values driven business where hard work, dedication, and willingness to rise above current circumstances pays off in leaps and bounds. Though there are some attempting to tear down this organization, if someone would research the company, many have come to understand the true growth potential and opportunity that Market America offers future business owners.

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