Home Entrepreneurship 3 Entrepreneurs Who Have Impacted Society

3 Entrepreneurs Who Have Impacted Society

by Olufisayo
Entrepreneurs Who Have Impacted Society

So many leaders throughout history have made the world a better place—they’ve helped reduce disease and death, and they’ve improved living conditions for billions of people. They’ve acted as a voice for the marginalized and oppressed.

Many of these great people are also entrepreneurs. In fact, it’s often their entrepreneurial spirit that has led them to such great achievements. As Ken Fisher, founder of Fisher Investments, has said, individual entrepreneurs contribute more to society than even politicians.

Entrepreneurs can be groundbreaking innovators who not only define their industries but also leave their fingerprints on everything they touch. They make the world around them a better place, change their local economies, and leave a lasting impact on society. Here are three remarkable, living entrepreneurs who continue to make a difference.

1. Oprah Winfrey: Harpo Productions, Inc.

Starting as a news anchor, Oprah found that she cared about the stories she was reporting, and it became hard for her to not react emotionally. While she was fired for being too emotional, her manager saw this as a strength, and she found her home on a talk-show called People are Talking.

From there, her talk show fame exploded with her voice of empathy and understanding for all of her guests, leading to her nationally aired program, The Oprah Winfrey Show. It became the number one talk show in the country, reaching over 10 million people daily and bringing about the creation of Harpo Productions, Inc.

With the popularity of her shows, Oprah started to shape the market and culture of the world around her. If she added a book to her book club, it became a bestseller. If she invited a musician onto her show, their album would climb the charts. But her influence stretches beyond market trends. “The Oprah Effect” sculpts the economy and has a real impact on world society.

Oprah has always supported the tenet of believing in yourself and being proud of who you are. She affirms that she could not have had any of her success without being herself. Her intention has always been to lift, inspire, and encourage people to be better—wherever they are. She stretches herself, and all of the organizations and philanthropic foundations she is engaged with, to give voice to those who are often overlooked or not heard.

2. Jeff Bezos: Amazon.com

Bezos saw a chance to change how the world shopped, and with Amazon.com, he did much more than that. Amazon has impacted economic activity, inflation, job availability, and small businesses.

Bezos, through Amazon, has influenced our everyday lives in ways that you might not expect. With everything from movie production to transportation of freight, Amazon’s products and influence shape society. And the list is constantly growing.

There’s even a phenomenon called the “Amazon Effect,” because of how much Amazon has disrupted the market. It covers the globe and is at the front lines of the changing retail landscape.

The Amazon Effect also reaches into the digital market and has impacted the standard that consumers are looking for when they shop online. Customers expect more variety when visiting online stores and a fast, streamlined approach to their online experiences.

3. Bill Gates: Microsoft

With an overwhelming number of computers around the world using a Windows operating system, society—and how we understand and use personal computers—would be very different without Bill Gates.

One of the initial goals of Microsoft, now the largest software company in the world, was the lofty dream of having a personal computer on every desk in every home. For many people, this is now a reality.

Personal computers have changed society’s interaction with entertainment, media, information, and communication. They’ve helped to invent entire fields of development and research that are still being realized.

Other entrepreneurs wouldn’t have the tools they need to be successful if it wasn’t for Bill Gates. Therefore, his influence isn’t just revolutionary for a set group of people—it affects how the entire world runs.

Computers are what made Gates famous, but that isn’t the only way that he is able to change the world around him. Through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates has provided over $50.1 billion in grants to help all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to opportunities for success.

One of the foundation’s largest goals has been to eradicate polio worldwide. Over time, with immunization efforts, cases have been reduced by more than 99 percent.

Individuals Matter

When it comes to impacting the world and society, one person can make a difference. Entrepreneurs have big dreams and put in the work to change the world around them. What is it that you want to do to change the world? Let us know in the comments below.

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