Home Business Event Day and the Fundamental Rules Every Event Planner Must Follow

Event Day and the Fundamental Rules Every Event Planner Must Follow

by Olufisayo
Event Planner

Whether you’ve been planning this event for weeks or for months, the excitement and trepidation that greets you on event day is unmatched. It’s enough to make you feel ill, yet that charge of adrenaline is just what you needed to get you out of bed and ready to make it happen.

You want your hard work to pay off spectacularly, however, there are some rules that every event planner must follow on event day if they want to secure a successful event. Read on to find out more.

Rule 1: Check in with your event planning software

Events planner software has revolutionized the event planning industry, with everything from guest numbers to caterers, payment details, and invites all available with just a few clicks. So, checking all the final details and the itinerary of your event has never been easier or more important on the big day.

One final check will ensure that you have everything covered and the timings flawlessly determined. This will give you a last-minute boost of confidence before the ball starts rolling.

Rule 2: Get to the venue ASAP

All professional event planners will visit the venue hours before the event is due to take place. Make sure you’re one of them. Make sure everything is in place, or in the process of being put together.

Communicate with your vendors and your waiting staff, let them know you’re available for issues large or small. Visiting the venue will allow you to spot potential pitfalls in your event and figure out a solution before guests arrive.

Rule 3: Eat and keep hydrated

You’ll be no good to anyone if you’re suffering from a migraine and you’re lightheaded. Keeping yourself hydrated and well-fed throughout the day will ensure you have plenty of energy to bring your vision together.

Eating and drinking might not feel like a priority when you have an anxious bride to deal with or a group of business CEOs expecting excellence, but remember to look after yourself on the day.

Rule 4: Speak with your photographer

You’ll need a photographer to capture the best moments of your event. It’s these images that will help you promote your events and entice future clients into working with you. Speak with your photographer and make sure they’re familiar with the shots you want before guests arrive.

Rule 5: Check your sound and video systems

If you have CEOs making speeches and presentations or the bride and groom want a slideshow of their favorite moments projected above the head-table during speeches, then these facilities better be available and in good working order. Before guests arrive, run tests to ensure everything will go without a hitch.

Rule 6: Go through your contingency plans

Being an event planner means having back up plans in case of worst-case scenarios. Go through your plans for bad weather, band cancellations, or problems with the catering. Speak with staff who may be affected by any changes and always remember to communicate!

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