Home Business Expansion Overseas and Migrating Staff

Expansion Overseas and Migrating Staff

by Olufisayo
How to migrate staff

With the globalisation and connectivity of the world as it is, many companies from startups to SMEs are finding now a great time for expansion overseas. We have never lived in such a well connected world, and this means taking business to new countries offers opportunity for growth and can be orchestrated easily.

There are some considerations to moving overseas and expanding your business that fall beyond the constraints of communication.

How to migrate staff

How to migrate staff

Moving to another country can be daunting and you will want to ensure that you make this process as comfortable for your staff as possible. This will, of course, involve setting them up with healthcare, property and some incentives. Should they have children, you may want to research the best schools in the area you intend for them to work.

Some important points on moving people overseas should be considered beforehand:

  • Language – offer staff language lessons, not only for them, but for their families too. Moving to a new place can be scary, so giving them a leg up where communication is considered will ease this
  • Culture – As well as the language, it is essential to ensure staff are trained about the cultural conventions of the new country. This could be anything from how time off is approached to what people wear. Encourage staff to learn as much as possible about the new area
  • Legal – Moving overseas can involve complicated visa processes and other legal issues. Seek immigration advice from experts such as Withers LLP

Take the best

One of the most important things small businesses need to consider from the outset are who they employ. Often, the beginnings of a company can involve long hours and varied tasks, so you will need to have staff with whom you have a good relationship, and can trust. This might seem obvious, and it is an important point when considering expansion overseas too. You want to take your best people with you to ensure that they represent the company in the same way as you have in your original country. As well as considering who these people are, you will need to look for certain qualities, which will put them in good stead for being successful at settling in a new country. Look for people who embrace challenge, are outgoing and quick to learn.

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