Home Business 3 Amazing and Unique Facebook SEO Strategies

3 Amazing and Unique Facebook SEO Strategies

by Olufisayo
Facebook SEO Strategies

Are you aiming for increased visibility and traffic on your website?

Do you want to increase social media likes or subscribers?

When it comes to gaining a high rank on search engines, there are hundreds of things you can do to make sure that happens. One of which is Social Media Optimisation.

How does social media help optimization?

In a gist, it drives quality traffic to your website. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Tumblr are trusted by Google. Using these media for the promotion of your company is therefore a wise move.

But is having an account with these sites sufficient? No. You still have to apply certain techniques for successful optimization.

Techniques on Facebook To Maximise Your SEO Goals

1. Present a consistent brand or image

Ever wonder how Coca-Cola has stayed strong after decades of being bombarded with competitors? They maintained the fame of their brand by retaining the colour of their logo and the font style.

This may sound irrelevant but this is in fact a contributing factor to the success of your online efforts, specifically for your SEO efforts.

Imagine this: if you constantly change how your brand looks or is presented, how can people recognise it and trust it? Why will they visit your website if your brand is something that they are not familiar with?

How to do this?

If you have both a Facebook profile and a fan page, you must use the same profile picture for each and even use the same display name, preferably the name of your company.

This way, when you have posts or uploads, they will easily go viral because your friends, and consequently their friends, will recognize the brand and know that it is authentic.

And aside from being consistent with your brand on Facebook, you also have to keep your posts, statuses, and other updates relevant to your niche. For example, sharing a post about real estate is not a good idea if your main industry is food or culinary arts.

As a general rule, maintain a reputable and recognizable online image on Facebook.

2. Understand your audience

A prominent rule in business is for you to know what your market wants.
The same goes for your online strategies; you have to know what your audience wants, what they are interested in, and what makes them Like, Comment, or Share a post.

How to do this?

Go to your Home Page and take a look at the latest posts of your friends or fans. What are they about? What topics are going viral?

You can also use analytics from Facebook to find out which of your posts are drawing audiences, what made them notice it, and how fast it spreads. This will basically give you an idea on how to come up with effective posts that will immediately gain attention.

Of course, including a link to one of your webpages or sharing an article from your website is also a good idea to drive visitors to your domain.

3. Avoid outright promotion

 A lot of Facebookers hate seeing in-your-face adverts on their News Feeds.
In fact, this is true for other social media channels like Twitter, YouTube, and Google+. However, since the promotion of your brand is unavoidable, you should just learn to do it subtly.

How to do this?

 Use keywords that are relevant to your niche. For example, if you are retailing clothes, you can write a brief post about fashion tips or faux pas. Then you can include a link to one of your Web pages with compelling content.

This way, you are not advertising upfront because you are giving away useful info. There are still subtle marketing purposes involved here and there, but your readers will not mind because they are getting something useful in return.

Another effective way to avoid upfront advertising is by uploading photos of your latest events, company gatherings, or public affairs. Especially if you have unique themes or concepts for the party, your friends or fans on Facebook will definitely check out your album and see what the fuss is all about.

This is where you can insert your SEO tactics by including a link to your website where they can “see more photos” or “find out more about upcoming events”.

This is a great way to boost traffic on your site AND promote your company brand to the public.


Facebook is more than just Likes, Newsfeeds or Profile Pages; it is an interactive and convenient social media platform that, if used wisely, will yield results beyond your expectations.

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jovie michel July 20, 2012 - 7:51 AM

you can never overestimate how well understanding your audience can help you. it’ll help you know what kind of content you post on your page that will become viral and what not to even think about posting. it may even be the most important strategy in all…

Emma July 27, 2012 - 6:32 AM

Indeed, Jovie, you are correct. 😉 We should not rely too much on understanding our audience; we need to consider other strategies too. Thanks for sharing this information.

Yeremi Akpan@how to get a popular blog July 22, 2012 - 9:41 PM

I completely agree with you on the need to avoid wanton promotion in the social media sites. As the name implies, these sites are primarily for making social connections.

Focus on making connections with people and getting them to like you as a person.

After that milestone, they will look for ways to do business with you…

Emma July 27, 2012 - 6:33 AM

Thank you, Yeremi. Thanks for your additional insight too. 🙂

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