Home General Your 2019 Financial Resolutions – Sell Gift Cards, Read Credit Reports and More

Your 2019 Financial Resolutions – Sell Gift Cards, Read Credit Reports and More

by Olufisayo
Financial Resolutions

It might be the end of the year but it is never too late to change financial habits. One might argue that it might even be better to do so at this time when the season of splurging is upon us. There is never an easy way to curb someone’s spending habits, but there are always ways to lessen the impact.

There are also some tips on how to get new revenue flows that are not difficult for anyone to set up such us to sell gift cards. This article will present some of these ideas and let lead you to a new financial freedom.

Studies about how most people around the world spend their incomes returned positive findings. A third of most people in the middle class wants to save more of their income. But there are less people, specifically at 15%, who are willing to spend less.

On a related note, some 29% have said that they want to lower down their debt as a target for the incoming half of the year. If you are one of these people then you can read about tips on how to get a boost on your finances.

Identify Your Financial Goals -Sell Gift Cards for a Boost

First and foremost, one should know exactly what their goals as what anyone should do when they are making a resolution. First of all, you should look at the long term goals that you intend to achieve. These kinds of goals are those that will cost you a bit more money and might need more time before it comes into fruition.

This includes goals such as houses, a brand new car, full payment of a student loan, or anything of the same sort. It pays to know what you want so you will have complete focus on your goal thus motivating you to do each bit towards it.

Knowing your goals lets you break down your objectives into yearly, monthly, weekly, and finally weekly goals. This makes it easier to track the spending as well as to know how much cash inflow, or minor income like to sell gift cards, has to be made at certain spans of time.

Chances are, if you set your goals as specific as possible, you afford yourself a chance to hit intended targets without having to recalibrate as often. They do not just make the primary goal manageable but it also makes it measurable. This way, you have a way of knowing if you are on pace or if there is a need to change the budget scheme.

Track Your Income (Salary, Sell Gift Cards, etc.) and Expenses(Loan Payments, Rent, etc)

The tip in managing your finances better is to have a clear view of your income and expenses or the money that goes in your pocket and the money that goes out. Plenty of monitoring apps are available online and you can also do that on office applications such as the spreadsheet. Make sure that you can label them based on which account they belong to.

The most important part of this resolution is to find out which unnecessary spending can be curbed and which ones that can even be avoided altogether. By doing this, you will be able to save yourself a lot of money while also making sure that you are always on top of the situation at all times.

How often has it been when we start to feel like we are paying from paycheck to paycheck even after we have been given multiple salary boosts. The reason for this is because as our income changes, so does our expenses. Make sure that you are not splurging on something that you only thought about buying because you now have the means to do so.

Check the Report of Your Credit Card -Do you need to sell gift Cards

When people pay their credit card bills, as long as nothing in the total payment stands out, they will almost always just pay without even looking at the bill report. This is not a good idea especially now that it has become so easy for scammers to gather credit card information.

More importantly, the credit card report is a treasure trove of information about how you are spending your money. If you feel like you are disproportionately paying too much money in a single place that you constantly go to, go over it to see if there are alternatives out there that exist. You might even surprise yourself by uncovering some expenses that wasn’t necessary at all.

Another thing that you can track in this statement is if one or more of your merchants are charging you without your consent. This is a fairly common occurrence especially now that it has been made so much more easier to scam people into giving up their credit card information such as credit card numbers.

Sell Gift Cards

As an extra income, you can decide to sell some of the gift cards that you have received. Since gift cards have limited value and they are often non-transferable in a way where you can choose the store you want the card in, it actually makes it difficult to move this money around. When you sell gift cards, you do not only clear out some of the cluttered finances that take the form of crumpled gift cards received long ago from parties that you might not even remember.

It is a good idea to sell these gift cards instead of simply letting go by their expiry date. To sell gift cards means selling at a loss but is still better than not having it for anything at all. Gift card selling might not add much to the total goal that you are trying to achieve. However, the conscious effort of making sure that you account every bit of your asset is a good step in the right direction that could heavily influence the entire way that you protect your finances.

Schedule No Spend Days -Sell Gift Cards Instead

Depending on how you work or rest, you can decide to have no spend days. These are the days when you decide not to spend a single cent into anything that is unnecessary. Some people decide to have their work days as no spend days.

This makes it easier because you will be too busy anyway and too tired when you get home that you will then not be able to get a chance at all to spend money. Some would even decide not go entire months of no spending.

No spend days does not mean that you are not gonna be able to spend a single cent even for food or other necessities. In no spend days, some people actually go to beaches to make sure that you are still getting the proper nourishment that you need.

Some of the expenses that you should avoid on no spend days are travel plans, eating outside, and buying luxury items such as jewelry.

Cut the Gym Cost – Sell Gift Card Gym Memberships

Joining a gym has its benefits which mainly entail joining a community that can guard and support you. This is however, a partnership, based on fitness on your side, and income on theirs. As such, gym memberships can sum up into quite a huge amount of money that will be deducted from other things that might be more important like savings and such.

It is a wonder how the gym industry has boomed in the last few decades. And what is more mind-boggling is the amount of that they charge for their services. You can instead do exercises that does not require any gym equipment to perform. These exercises include running, calisthenics, and so much more.

Invest Well – Sell Gift Cards

There are many ways that you can garner the money that you need for your goal. If it is a long term goal, however, you can choose to invest instead to make sure that your money will work for you.

There are many investments that you can choose from that ranges from joining the stock market madness or playing it safe by increasing your 401k contributions. However you choose to invest, what is most important is to make a conscious effort in reaching the goal contributions for each one of them.

Fast Track Loan Payments – Sell Gift Cards

Loan payments schemes are required by law to give an option to allow borrowers to re-evaluate loans after paying a certain amount. This lessens the impact that the loan does to your goal amount by lessening the interest accrued over time.

There is definitely no single answer to the question of how to best give resolution to the bad financial habits that we developed. However, be it by selling gift cards, or by adjusting your 401k, it has been proven that astronomical sums can be had with both a conscious effort and a lot of self-restraint.

In the end, what matters most is the way the goal has been planned and how it was executed throughout the years leading to its consumption.

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