Home Entrepreneurship Thinking about being a Freelance Hairdresser? This is what you’ll need

Thinking about being a Freelance Hairdresser? This is what you’ll need

by Olufisayo
Freelance Hairdresser

Cutting hair is something that just about anyone can do, provided that they have a few inexpensive tools and the right expertise. Unlike many other freelancers, hairdressers don’t even need their own premises; they can rent a chair at a salon, or visit a customer’s home. You’ll get plenty of social interaction, low overheads, and lots of flexibility.

If all of this sounds appealing, then perhaps a career in hairstyling is for you. Let’s take a look at a few of the items you’ll need before making a start.

Rules to Follow

Hairdressers in the UK don’t need any special licenses or qualifications. If you can cut hair, then you can cut hair for money. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to go out and get some professional instruction, and then get some actual hairdressing experience under your belt before striking out alone.

While there is such a thing as the Hairdressers (Registration) Act 1964, which set up the Hair Council, this is a body that has pretty limited power – just 2% of hairdressers have signed up. With that said, if you’re going to be coloring people’s hair as well as cutting it, then you’ll need to keep on the right side of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Act, and be sure that you check for any allergic reactions before applying any hair coloring.

Get the right supplies

If you’re passionate about hair and cutting it, then you’ll quickly form an idea of what tools you’ll need to pick up. If you’re cutting millions of hairs every day, investing in substantial scissors, clippers, spray-bottles and a high-quality professional hairdryer should be considered essential.

Know your Rates

If you aren’t charging enough for your services, then you’ll struggle to stay afloat. On the other hand, hairdressing is a highly competitive profession, and you’ll need to match the other hairdressers in your area unless you’re doing something exceptional. Work out your fixed costs, and then how many customers you need each week to break even. Then price accordingly.

Will you need a loan?

Hairdressing doesn’t involve much in the way of upfront costs – which is part of the reason it’s so attractive. However, you might need a little financing to get up and running, in which case a business loan might match your needs.

What about taxation?

Freelancers of all trades will need to fulfill their tax obligations, which might mean hiring an accountant to deal with it. Once you start earning major money, this step may be worthwhile!

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