Home General 5 Steps You Need to Take to Get a New Website off the Ground

5 Steps You Need to Take to Get a New Website off the Ground

by Olufisayo
Get a New Website off the Ground

If you helped create a website, you’ll probably feel proud when it goes live for the first time. Likewise, you will feel excited if this website is the portal through which visitors can buy products or services from your company.

You shouldn’t expect a new website to automatically thrive, though. To get the proper amount of visitors and conversions from them, you’ll need to implement strategic elements that are proven to work.

We’ll talk about five steps that are likely to make your site successful right now.

Create a Blog for Your Site

One of the first things worth doing before you take your site live is to make sure it has all of the elements that a visitor expects to see. That includes visual elements like pictures, videos, and slideshows. You’ll also want an engaging copy on your product pages, landing page, and FAQ section.

You should also consider setting up a blog for your website. That’s a place where you can talk about your company’s values and mission.

Be aware that there are guest post services where you can find potential guest bloggers who know about your niche. Consider hiring one of them to write a blog your customers will like.

Promote the Site Through Social Media Channels

You can utilize your social media profiles to promote the new site when it’s about to launch. Make sure to talk about the website on the social media platforms that you think it’s most likely your target audience will use.

Be Sure You Have Used SEO Best Practices

You should also hire an SEO consultant to ensure you’re using the best search engine optimization practices. That will make sure your site ends up at the top of the search engine ranking position for certain keywords and phrases pertaining to your niche.

SEO best practices involve using the proper keywords on your landing page and product pages. You’ll also want them in your page titles and elsewhere throughout the site. There’s much more to SEO, and hiring a specialist who knows all about it is definitely to your benefit.

Claim Your Site with Google Maps

Claiming your website with Google Maps and making sure all the correct information is on there is also helpful from an SEO standpoint. Without all of the proper info for your company under the Google Maps listing, you might have to deal with confusion from your potential customers. Confusion usually equals lost sales.

Make Sure Your Site Has Excellent UX

UX means a user’s experience, and you want someone visiting your site for the first time to be able to navigate it easily. A skilled website designer can help you in this area.

If you don’t neglect any of these steps, you should be in good shape for your site to succeed. Remember, even if you do everything right, it still might take a while to build up the visitor numbers you want.

Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

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