Home Business The Highest Paying Careers of the 21st Century

The Highest Paying Careers of the 21st Century

by Olufisayo
highest paying careers

Now that the economy is booming, there has never been a better time to starting a great career. People are making more money than ever. The key is to know the best types of jobs to pursue.

No matter if you’re just starting school, or simply looking for a change of direction, there’s plenty of opportunity for anyone with the right education and the ambition to make your dreams come true.

The article takes a look at the highest paying careers currently available on the job market. So keep reading to find the right career to take your lifestyle to the next level.

Nurse Anesthetists

When it comes to the high paying careers of 2019, it’s hard to beat the medical field. Medicine has always been a great area of expertise for making a substantial living, and that’s more true today than ever.

Believe it or not, nurse anesthetists earn an annual six-figure income. In fact, this is the best-paying position in the nursing profession.

Job growth in this field continues to grow steadily and shows no sign of slowing down anytime in the next decade.

Petroleum Engineers

If you aren’t familiar with careers in the petroleum industry, petroleum engineers are responsible for designing and developing methods for extracting oil and gas from deposits located beneath the earth’s surface.

In a career as a petroleum engineer, you can expect to earn at least $150,00 per year.

Information Systems Managers

Few industries have grown as rapidly in recent years as IT. In fact, careers in IT are among the most in demand everywhere around the world. This is especially true for information systems managers.

People with this career enjoy one of the highest-paying jobs in the IT field, bringing in more than $150,000 per year. An information systems manager is responsible for planning and coordinating a wide range of activities from electronic data processing to systems analysis.

Financial Managers

It’s never been easier to invest money in the stock market, and yet it’s also never been more important to receive good financial advice from an investment professional.

Financial managers help clients maximize their money by studying the market and guiding investment decisions. This is a challenging career that typically earns more than $140,000 per year, depending on experience and skill level.

If you’re looking for a great source for online pay stubs, be sure to check out www.paystubs.net.


This is a career in medicine that focuses on female reproductive health and childbirth. On average, OB-GYNs earn $238,000 annually, making this an amazing career for anyone with a desire to help others.


Psychiatrists help patients deal with mental health issues. Thus it’s a valuable career that typically requires graduate-level education, including a Ph.D.


Surgeons have long been among the highest-paid medical professionals in the world. This is a career that requires extensive education and training that often takes more than a decade following completion of undergraduate studies.

This is also among the most respected careers paths, thus surgeons typically earn more than a quarter of a million dollars per year.

A List of Some of the Highest Paying Careers of the 21st Century

When you’re ready to start an exciting new career, there are plenty of great opportunities to choose from. This list of some of the highest paying careers can help you decide what’s right for you.

Be sure to keep scrolling to see more great career tips and advice.

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