Home General Essential Things to know if you’re planning Your Holiday to St. Petersburg

Essential Things to know if you’re planning Your Holiday to St. Petersburg

by Olufisayo
Holiday to St. Petersburg

Saint Petersburg is one of the best cities in Russia. If you’re planning a trip to Europe, then it’s not a surprise if you include St. Petersburg is on the list of places to visit. The name is derived from the fact that the history of the city is majorly surrounding the effects of two important Peters by the names Saint Peter and Peter, the Great.

The architecture and the streets of the city are highly influenced by the ideas of Peter, the Great. The architecture found in the city is a complete fusion of both the western style of architecture and the important tenets of Russian culture. This is an important captivating factor for tourists. There are certain things you need to know if you’re visiting St. Petersburg.

Shenzhen Visa

Shenzhen Visa is provided to people from any part of the globe. There are different types of visas like on arrival visas and tourist visas. Few countries have been given visa-free status. Once you get the Shenzhen visa, you can travel to the 26 countries that fall under that list.

Russia doesn’t fall under the Shenzhen country list but St. Petersburg is located in the westernmost fringe of Russia that borders Schengen countries. If your travel agenda has countries like Germany and France on the list, then you should be having Shenzhen Visa as well apart from just the Russian Visa. The Russian visa and Shenzhen Visa come along with medical insurance.

It’s always recommended to have medical insurance in cover so that you could use it in case of any emergency. To obtain the right visa at the right time, it’s highly essential to understand the requirements for the visa and the processing time so that you could plan well ahead of time and obtain it as soon as possible.

Best time to visit

If you’re looking forward to booking tickets to St. Petersburg, then you should be considering summer as the right time. The summer in Russia is between June to September. The temperature during the summers is 25 degrees Celsius on average. This is the right weather condition to go around the city and experience sunshine for 24 hours.

Mentioning Sunshine for 24 hours isn’t for the sake of it but it’s a fact that the sun never sets in St. Petersburg during the summers and the city celebrates the white nights festival during the summer period with full josh. This is a lifetime experience and to enjoy this, ensure to book tickets to visit St. Petersburg in the month of Summer.

Getting around Saint Petersburg

You should be aware of the transport medium to get around Saint Petersburg. Making use of the metro is one of the best choices you could make. The entire city is connected by a proper metro system and you could find trains flying every two or three minutes. The trains are available even past midnight and it’s very safe.

One could also find the tram to get around the city. The trams are used for short trips and Metro for long trips and these are some of the affordable and cheap modes of transport to enjoy the city at its fullest. Getting a Russian Visa has become a very easy process. However, you could ask the help of a professional if you intend to. Saint Petersburg is a gateway to the western part of Europe. It’s one of the best cities to relax and experience a whole new culture.

Book in advance

Though the currency of Russia isn’t very expensive to afford, it’s highly recommended to book the tickets well in advance as Saint Petersburg is one of the highly visited cities during the months of summer. Once you obtain the visa to Russia from Visa Express, go ahead with booking the tickets for visiting St. Petersburg and block your rooms. There are different options available for you ranging from Airbnb’s to budget hotels to star category ones. Depending on your requirement, you could choose.

Apart from these important details, there could be other things like learning a little bit of Russian, downloading apps that work in Russia are the other things you need to be aware of. Taking all of these into consideration you could undoubtedly say to everyone that you’ve planned a top-notch trip to St. Petersburg.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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