Home General How Busy Entrepreneurs Eat Like a King: Spice Up The Steak Experience

How Busy Entrepreneurs Eat Like a King: Spice Up The Steak Experience

by Olufisayo
How Busy Entrepreneurs Eat Like a King

You probably already know how you like your steak, particularly on how it’s cooked: rare, medium-rare, or well-done. But aside from the really basic things that are usually prioritized, do you know that you can take your steak experience up a notch with the following tips?

Where I’m from, steaks are most commonly enjoyed in fast-food chains where they are five-folds cheaper than in restaurants, but understandably so. Still, a steak is a steak and every meal that involves it deserves to be enjoyed in the utmost way.

First and most importantly, you should know what you want. This might be quite tricky because different places cook steak differently, and it might take you long to finally find the one, but you’d get there. Don’t be too safe in ordering food; be adventurous! You wouldn’t know what you want unless you try it, as they say.

How Busy Entrepreneurs Eat Like a King

Now that you have that one meal that you’d always, always go back to, make sure that you don’t break the novelty. Eating the same thing again and again becomes boring over time. The solution? Spice it up! Pair it with something new, probably a different side dish? Have the chef to surprise you with a different version of it? The possibilities are endless! You can always have what you want if you ask for it, but if not, then at least you tried.

In dining, especially in high-end restaurants, you may feel intimated by the number of utensils on the table. I know I am, especially that don’t often eat at restaurants. Also, my meals can be devoured with only two utensils (a spoon and a fork, obviously) so I didn’t bother learning about the others. However, in eating steak, it’s not enough to have a polished-fresh-out-the-dishwasher knife. Unlike the traditional one, steak is best and most easily cut using a serrated knife. Up your steak experience and get rid of the hassle! Besides, it starts to look awkward when you’ve been slicing on your steak for the past two minutes because of a dull knife.

Your familiarity with a place also tremendously helps in your dining experience. Perhaps we already have our favourite restaurants in mind and that we’ve ticked off everything in our checklist that the restaurant should have: great customer service, great food, and reasonable price. It might be pretty hard to find one that has all three so when you find yours, make sure to keep your patronage! Be extra amiable with the staff, compliment the chef (but only if it’s really that good!), tip the waiters (because they are key to an enjoyable dining experience), and when something bad happens, don’t make a scene. Nothing screams tacky louder than someone who’s making a scene in a restaurant.

The etiquettes of dining are dynamic and changes from one restaurant to another. Just remember to be good to others, be a source of good vibes instead of stress, and the steak you’re eating—no matter how cheap it may be—may taste just like that of a five-star resto.

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