Home General How One Online Company Changed the Medical Supply Industry

How One Online Company Changed the Medical Supply Industry

by Olufisayo
Medical Supply

Buying items online can sometimes be confusing. This is why clean and clear product pages are so important, as well as accurate images and good product descriptions. Typically a good website that has these features should do well, However, this is all true for almost any industry besides for medical supplies and equipment.

The typical customer is a senior who is probably not that very tech-savvy and is not very familiar with navigating a website. There is also the problem of not being able to actually touch and feel the product. So for example if someone is looking to buy a wheelchair, they are unable to sit in it, they are unable to push and feel it. This is why buying medical supplies online can be very challenging.

This is why Avacare Medical, an online medical supply, and equipment company, originally built its site to service the aging population. They understood the challenges for a senior buying these items online and built and developed their site accordingly.

“We understood from day one, that in order for us to be successful we have to offer a level of customer service not found anywhere else,” says Steven Z Zeldes, CEO of AvaCare Medical.

“We have to literally help the customer over the phone be able to pick and choose their medical supplies based on their own unique situation and circumstances, and that is why we have professional caregivers who hold our customers’ hands and help them.”

Avacare Medical has created buying guides not found anywhere else online. They are thorough and clear, which covers all aspects of any particular item. They go in-depth explaining the different features and options that one can have with any particular product. This enables a potential customer to make an educated decision and to buy what’s best for them.

Besides the user experience on the site in terms of the design, the actual site navigation was built with a senior user in mind. In other industries it might not have to be that clear, however, in the medical supply industry everything has to be very easily found.

Ultimately, any company in business is there to make money, however, being in healthcare you get the added advantage of being able to help someone in a time of need.

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