Home Business How Online Reviews Are The New Word of Mouth For Your Business

How Online Reviews Are The New Word of Mouth For Your Business

by Olufisayo

With the digitization of the businesses, many things have changed. Earlier people used to rely a lot on “word of mouth” marketing. The positive reviews by the near and dear ones about a product or service used to work as an important factor considered by a potential buyer.

Today, the word of mouth marketing is replaced by the online reviews. Before buying any product or service, over 70% of people prefer to check what other people have to say about it. Needless to say, the online positive reviews work as an imperative factor in the favor of a specific brand.

Here are the vital points which accentuate on how the online reviews have become the new word of mouth for the businesses, and why positive online reviews are important for a brand.


Positive Online Reviews Boost Sales

The positive online word of mouth helps in achieving more sales. A recent study found out that an online recommendation made within the context of a consumer conversation can directly impact the sales of a product.

Also, as per a research conducted on the effect of an online reviews it has been found out that what consumers post online is a significant factor behind driving sales.

Online Word Of Mouth Is As Effective As Personal Recommendations

Most often, the consumers listen to what their family, friends, neighbors and the co-workers have to say about a specific product or service. But, now when almost everyone owns a smart phone, laptop or a tablet and have access to the online reviews of a product, they can check the opinion of many other consumers. These opinions significantly impact the purchasing decision of a person.

Online Reviews

As per Simon Tiffen of Cars.com, 79% of consumers trust the online reviews of products/services as much as the personal recommendations. This is why, building positive online reputation is extremely important for a business which wants to enhance its customer base.

But, what if, the businesses have negative online reviews? Well, there are ways in which even the negative reviews can be utilized for betterment of business.

If someone is posting a negative review about your product or service, you should be able to  use it positively to improve your services. Check out the diverse tips on how to respond to a negative review and leverage the negative reviews as well.

Positive Reviews Also Help In Achieving Improved Google Rankings

Not just the modern customers, but, even Google keeps the track of what people are saying about your brand/ business. The positive customer reviews are significantly regarded by the Google and they act as one of the cardinal ranking factors for your business’s website.

Whether you provide SEO services or offer homemade lamps, the positive online reviews regarding your business help it in achieving higher search engine rankings. As a result, it becomes easier for people to find you.

So, if you have never asked your customers to provide feedback and ratings for your services, start doing it now. The more positive reviews you have, the higher are the chances of getting listed on the Google’s top search results.

Check out the online tutorials on how to ask for reviews and encourage your customers to write testimonials for your services.

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1 comment

5 Strategies to Manage Your Company's Online Reviews May 29, 2019 - 9:35 PM

[…] sales or decrease them through online reviews. Without a doubt online reviews are the new word of mouth marketing. Businesses in service, retail, hospitality, and healthcare industries in particular rely […]

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