Home Business How Pinterest Can Help In Your Business Success

How Pinterest Can Help In Your Business Success

by Olufisayo
How Pinterest Can Help In Your Business Success

Pinterest is clearly the newest thing on the social media block and has managed to capture the fancies of avid internet buffs. It is basically an image bookmarking website.

The primary mission of the portal is to develop collaboration among people who share similar interests and passions. For instance, if you like an image on the internet, you can pin it to the board you have created on Pinterest, for everyone else to access. As a user, you can access pins of members whose boards you choose to follow. You can also comment on the pins, like them and even repin. You are allowed to navigate to the actual source of the image by clicking on the photograph.

Therefore, in many ways, it is quite like any other social networking interface like Facebook.

How Pinterest Can Help In Your Business Success

How Can Pinterest are used for Business Purposes

Naturally, with social networking platforms transforming into promotional interfaces as well, Pinterest is no exception. Listed below are some of the ways in which the platform can be utilized for enhanced business performance. Also, in case you need more ways of brand marketing, visit our marketing category.

  • First, we need to remember that Pinterest is essentially a visual and image sharing interface. Therefore, it can be ideally utilized by businesses that have a visual appeal at its core. It may either be concerned with aesthetic products or could even be websites that rely heavily on visuals. For instance, you would find boards of business houses dealing in home décor, clothing, and ornaments and so on. However, Pinterest boards cannot be created for financial services like credit repair, debt consolidation, and investment consultancy owing to the lack of visual appeal.
  • When images representing suitable business enterprises are pinned on the boards, they immediately feature on the home page of the designated category on Pinterest. They also can be repined by users who access them. They would also show up in the homepage of the users following this particular pin board. Therefore, the images are spread through a wide user base and lead to an increase in the number of clicks registered on the website of the business house.
  • In addition, the comment boxes provided along with every image must be used to include search engine optimized content. So there must be tags and keywords in the comment boxes of every pin so that surfers can hunt down the relevant images easily and repin them.
  • You can also use the homepage of Pinterest to include links to Facebook and Twitter. These links can automatically connect users to your company Facebook or Twitter account. In this way you end up leveraging the advantages put forth by Pinterest without actively participating in it.
  • You can also create Pinterest profiles for increasing your web visibility. However when creating your profile, make sure you open your profile to the various search engines. Fill in the about section of your website with SEO content including highly researched keywords. Make sure you add the URL of your website in the about section as well.

Using social networking interfaces like Pinterest could involve a lot of improvisations and experimentations. If you aren’t sure how to go about making the most of what they offer, make sure you seek professional assistance soon enough.

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1 comment

Factoring Service June 20, 2012 - 3:14 PM

Pinterest offers great opportunities for brands and businesses to showcase their products. Consumers that love your brand or products will Like or Pin them to their boards, which increases your brands visibility.

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