Home General No Red Solo Cups: How to Create a Professional Image Online

No Red Solo Cups: How to Create a Professional Image Online

by Olufisayo
professional image

So, you’re interested in creating a professional online presence. You’re getting ready to apply for a new job and you want to make sure that there’s nothing on the web that could harm your chances of getting it.

Well, creating a professional image online takes a surprising amount of work. Being smart about what you post, and how you post it, is crucial if you want to make sure you look like a viable candidate online to potential employers.

So how exactly do you create a professional image online? And what are some basic tips and tricks you can use to help you stand out from other potential job candidates? We’ve got the answer to those questions, and more, in this article!

Now then, let’s get started!

Assuming Everything is Public

A great way to maintain a professional online image is to assume that everything is public. Even if your accounts are private, or you’re posting under an alias, it’s still smart to assume that a potential employer may be reading your posts.

Also, if you decide to post under an alias, be sure not to link that particular account to any known email accounts. Employers can find you on social media sites in a variety of ways, including via email, so you’ll need to create a fake one to go with your fake account.

Scrub Your Social Media Accounts

If you do have any public social media accounts under your name, take some time to scrub them all of any damaging material. This is especially wise if you plan on applying for any new jobs soon, as that’s when potential employers are most likely to be searching your name on social media sites.

Using tools like TweetDelete can make erasing all your old social media posts that much easier. In fact, if you have a public Twitter account, using TweetDelete before applying for a new job is an absolute must.

Protect Your Image Online

Once you’ve established a professional online image, it’s important to work hard to maintain that image for the future. Watching what you post is a given, but be sure to prevent your friends from posting harmful things that can affect you as well.

Don’t be afraid to be pushy about someone deleting something online, especially if you fear it may affect your job. With this in mind, it’s important to remember that when something is posted online, it’s there forever, even if you delete it or take it down.

And that’s only the beginning! You can click here to find out more about how to create a professional online image.

How to Create a Professional Image Online

Well, there you have it! That is a basic guideline on how to create a professional image online! So, if you’re getting ready to apply for a new job, use these tips and tricks to improve your online presence!

It’s a good idea to assume everything you’ve posted is public. And if you do post under a fake name, make sure you don’t have the account linked to any of your main email accounts.

Take some time to scrub your current social media accounts and use tools like TweetDelete to make the process easier. Once you have a professional online image, make sure you do what you can to keep it that way so you don’t have any problems in the future.

Looking for more advice on how to advance your professional career? Check out our blog!

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