Home General How to Pass a Health and Safety Inspection: What You’re Doing Wrong

How to Pass a Health and Safety Inspection: What You’re Doing Wrong

by Olufisayo
How to Pass a Health and Safety Inspection

Running a successful business isn’t just about maximising profit. If you want your firm to prosper in the long term, you’ll also need to make sure you stay on top of health and safety issues and, as part of this, you must be able to pass safety inspections.

As safety training and consultancy specialists Phoenix HSC assert, these inspections are a necessary part of the management of any organisation and they play an important role in identifying and controlling hazards. If you’re worried that your firm may not stand up to such scrutiny or you’ve had issues passing safety inspections in the past, here are a few things you may be doing wrong.

How to Pass a Health and Safety Inspection

Not being prepared at all times

One of the biggest mistakes that companies can make when it comes to safety checks is failing to be prepared. The fact is, you may not have advanced warning before inspectors set foot through your doors. Although they might get in touch before they arrive, these specialists have the right to enter workplaces without giving notice. When they turn up, they will expect to have a look at your workplace and activities and they will want to find out how you manage risks. As part of this, they may wish to speak to your board of directors, human resources personnel, staff representatives and a range of other individuals.

This means that you must run a tight ship at all times when it comes to health and safety, ensuring that you are in compliance with the law and your staff members are aware of the relevant risk control measures.

Failing to conduct suitable risk assessments

Another major error that businesses sometimes make is failing to conduct a suitable risk assessment. Bear in mind that this is one of the main areas that inspectors will focus on when they come to your premises. They will want to see evidence that you have undertaken a suitable and sufficient analysis of the dangers facing your employees. You should be able to show from your assessment that all significant risks have been identified, all people who may have been affected were considered, you have put in place reasonable precautions and any remaining danger is low.

Not taking advantage of expert help

Companies can also fall into the trap of failing to take advantage of the expert help and information available and instead relying on guesswork or good fortune to pass inspections. This is not a wise approach. If you’re unsure of any health and safety-related issue, don’t just try to muddle through. Instead, check the official guidance available online or contact risk management specialists for assistance. By making sure you have access to all the relevant information and advice, you should find it much easier to stay on the right side of the law.

Health and safety inspections may be a daunting prospect, but as long as make sure your organisation is properly prepared and you follow advice like this, there is no reason why you should struggle to pass these assessments.

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