Home Business How to Put Together a Great Welcome Email & Get Conversions for Your Brand

How to Put Together a Great Welcome Email & Get Conversions for Your Brand

by Olufisayo
How to Put Together a Great Welcome Email

A welcome email that your brand sends to its new email subscribers needs to be great in how it gets the consumer engaged with your brand. It also needs to lead the receiver to go a step further and make a purchase and altogether remain connected with your brand over a length of time.

Your welcome email has to make your brand personable, credible, and one that will add value to the life of the consumer with what it is you have to offer them.

That first email is your brand’s chance to make a strong first impression in the eye of its recipient. Make it count!

How to Put Together a Great Welcome Email

Deliver messages to the email inboxes of your brand’s new subscribers and get these new subscribers to take action and become conversions for your bottom line. Be sure to follow the guidelines below in order to make your brand’s welcome email do this and be as effective as it can be.

It needs to be sent in a timely manner.

The welcome email you send to your brand’s newest subscribers needs to be sent within about 24 hours of them having subscribed. Otherwise, your brand and the content the consumers chose to sign up for are no longer fresh on their minds, and they may no longer have a strong sense of brand recognition.

Be sure to give them another interaction with your brand in the form of a welcome email sent out soon after the consumer interacted with your brand in subscribing to its emails.

Come up with a compelling subject line.

With your subject line, you are trying to encourage the email’s recipient to open up the message. Therefore, the subject line must be both welcoming and persuasive in its wording.

Let the email recipient know that your brand is happy to have them, then get them to see what you have to say by creating intrigue. Something similar to a “Welcome!” plus a “Look what’s inside” would do well to serve the double purpose of a subject line.

Make the message personalized.

Consumers do not prefer to be viewed only as one in a sea of many. They want to feel like your brand recognizes them as an individual and cares about giving them what they want and need.

The consumer did their part in entrusting you with their contact information when they subscribed to your brand’s email list.

Now your brand has to do its part in its welcome email to cater to each person. You can do as little as address them by name in the salutation. It’s a seemingly insignificant extra step that garners appreciation from the consumer.

Touch on the type of content the subscriber should be expecting from you.

In your welcome email, briefly remind the new subscriber what exactly it is for which they signed up. Let them know whether it is promotional offers or informational blurbs you will be sending in your email marketing, or if they should plan on receiving a mix of material.

Just remind them what they will be getting from you as time continues and have them feeling excited for all that is to come.

Serve up a strong call to action.

Your welcome email certainly needs to cater to its recipient and let them know your brand is thankful for them, but you can also use it to benefit your brand in return. Include a strong call to action to have the reader do something of your choosing. These options can include checking out your website, clicking an option to read more about a service you have to offer, or to make a purchase of a featured product.

The emails your brand will be sending this new subscriber in the future will be asking them to do things on its behalf, so start getting their minds used to that now by encouraging a smaller commitment through the CTA in your welcome email.

Be formatted and compatible for mobile.

Your brand will instantly lose credibility (and maybe even that new subscriber it just gained for itself) if its email messages are not mobile-friendly.

Any content you share with a consumer (especially directly to their personal email inbox!) must be properly formatted and suitable to be accessed and engaged with through a mobile device.

Build links to be included within the message.

The welcome email your brand distributes should include links to further promote its exposure and its brand identity with consumers. Put links to your social media accounts and include your domain name directing to your website so that the email recipients are able to engage more with your brand through other sources.

Your welcome email is important. What it contains and how it engages its recipient will contribute in determining what level of engagement your brand will get from the consumer in the future. Hook them from the start with a welcome email that wows.

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